Nominations for University Regent

The Charter of The North Pacific University now provides for seven members of its Board of Regents. With the change that created a seventh seat, an special election is necessary to fill the vacancy.

The Charter of TNPU provides that
The Board shall be elected in the first week of March and September by an election in the Regional Assembly. Regents shall be members of the Regional Assembly in good standing during their term. The Board of Regents shall be elected by plurality vote of the Regional Assembly. Vacancies on the board shall be filled by a special election in the Regional Assembly. In all instances, there will be a nomination period not to exceed one week, and a voting period not to exceed one week.

Nominations may be made beginning at the time this thread is posted. The nominee, in order to be placed on the voting ballot, must accept nomination. the nominations will be closed after one week.
Whats the point if the University has no leadership? I propose we elect a chancellor and get something going in the University and make that a priority over electing more useless members.
The board has to elect its own chairman, and that's something that you haven't done.

The charter provides for seven members, so perhaps that's one reason why that last seat should be filled.
I have tried to start nominations several times now, I fail to understand why any other board members are involving in this and why the Former Chancellor is not taking incentive to get the ball rolling faster.
HEM, you, as one of the regents certainly could try sending the other regents a personal message about it. As a former chancellor, I'm no longer a member of the board, even on a ex officio basis, and as I stated in a Board thread some time ago, I wasn't seeking another term as chancellor due to my other responsibilities that I have these days.
Well if you like I am willing to take the reins of the Chancellor on an interim basis to get the University running smoothly.