Special Elections Needed

Because the new Constitution requires the RA to elect Justices of the Court of The North Pacific, and because there has been a vacancy in one of the Associate Justice seats since the time Mr. gaunt was confirmed under the former Constitution to be Chief Justice, we will need to elect an Associate Justice to hold office until the first full Judicial elections in April.

In addition, the Regional Assembly retains the responsibility to elect members of the Board of regents of the University. There is a vacancy due to the abolition of position of Minister of Arts and Entertainment, and the change in the University's independent charter that added a seventh seat to the board of Regents. So we'll need to elect a member of the RA to serve as that seventh Regant until the next election for the Board of Regents in May.

I want to give everyone a heads up about the need to hold both special elections.
TNP Constitution:
4. The Speaker of the Assembly, CLO members, and Delegate shall each be elected to 4-month terms. The members of the Judiciary (including the Chief Justice) shall each be elected to 6-month terms. All elections shall be held on the region's official off-site forum.

There is nothing specific concerning who may be elected to the Court, but there is this:
TNP Constitution Article II section 1:
2. Holding other office in the Government does not eliminate Assembly-members from the rights and obligations of Assembly-members.

In the meantime, I think it would be prudent to use this thread for nominations for both special elections
There's an interesting hitch here.

I'm still serving as a Court Justice at present, but I am also a member of the CLO. While I don't think that there is a constitutional conflict - according to the constitution - I do think it proper for me to only occupy a position on the CLO.

Provisionally, I presume the I also still hold the Justice position until replace? Or, is there no immediate problem with this issue?
As was the case under the former constitution with the old Security Council, the CLO appears to be an elected committee of the Regional Assembly with certain check and balance powers, in this case on the Delegate and the Cabinet as the Executive Branch.

At least one member of the Court was elected onto the Securoty Council in every election during its existence, and there was no perceived prohibition or conflict. It would seem that there is no prohibition in the new Constitution as to a Justice serving on the CLO (and each is elected on a different calendar.)

there is a grester need to fill the Court vacancy, since judicial review requires a three-justice panel for such proceedings, and we only have two serving at the moment.
I'll have to take a look at the procedural rules - the vacant seat could affect the appeal process.