TNP Spam Busters (Sign Up)


As we all know our RMB and our eyes are subjected to countless recruitment messages every single day. Very few advertisements entail any worhtwhile information or originality.

Help us to preserve the Regional Message Board of The North Pacific! ^_^

If you are interested in signing up for our Spam Busting Team please post a reply to this thread. ^_^

Please visit the RMB Policing Guidelines/Suggestions

Here is the link to the RMB Spam Warning Center if you need to report any violators.
Well Joshua and Kharkistania are both still around and so is the spam, so we could certainly get that ship moving once more.
Well...Chowda Head, Whereisthatistan, Ator People, Sydia, Myself and many others have all unofficially joined.

No worries...soon as things settle...I will be rewarding those watching over our RMB...u deserve it!
Seeing as how the Spam Busters seems to be rather dead (not to say we don't have citizens out there busting spam anyway), I think we can revive it. I don't know if this is the proper place to do this (and further more, we don't actually know yet who is in charge of it) but I would like to put my name in to be head of the spam busters. This is for two reasons. 1. I feel that I have some good ideas on how to get the spam busters active and efficient and overall being able to cut down on spam. 2. I'm bored. The RA is moving too slowly for my tastes, but spam is always there for me to crack down on.

If anybody wants me to repost this in a more proper area please let me know where and I'll do so.
Yeah, I saw he mentioned something about it in the application for a Defense Minister. Still, I figured I would throw my name out there and see what happens. ^_^
We're still looking for new member to help us tackle the adspam on the RMB. Everybody can help out by contributing on our RMB with any chat at all and to report any violation of the rule regarding Adspam on this forum.

~ Felasia
Not really, I think this is not something that should be a "duty"; more of a fun way to discuss and interact with general player and at the same time help clean our RMB of adspam. I am quite impressed with the reaction from players who don't participated in our forum, but have response to my post on the RMB so far.

Although, if we have FA minister then I would have try to get him to talk with other feeders and present a unified policy on adspam... along with a unified ban for any violators. XD