This is a great one stop guide on helping to keep our Regional Message Board free of that dirty spam! 
Table of Contents:
1) NS rule violations
2) Anti-spam
3) 15-line caveat
4) Suggested RMB activities
5) Example Telegram Templates to Recruiters
The TNP Spam Busters does not have a hierarchy to it like other groups. Posted here are guidelines, tips, and suggestions for people that wish to help with our spam busting Effort.
If you wish to sign up as part of our spam busting team please vist the TNP Spam Busters Sign Up
Anyone that wishes to partake in this effort can wear the following badge.
RMB Policing Guidelines
Rule Violations
First of all, whenever you see someone violating NS rules, you should immediately report them. This includes spamming, harassment, cursing, and having an improper name/motto/flag. This includes anything that is blatantly spammed. If it appears that the recruiter unwittingly broke the 24-hour rule, just shoot them a telegram and warn them to be more careful next time.
However, the "Getting Help" page is a bit buried in the NS website, so here's a short map for it:
* Click "FAQ" in your NS sidebar.
* Below the numbered header, click the "Getting Help" link.
* Choose the right category from the drop-down menu, and write down some details of the situation in the text box. Attach the relevant RMB or Regional Happenings data as necessary.
This should be pretty intuitive. Whenever you see someone breaking our region's ad-spam rules, here's what you should do:
* Call them out on it on the RMB. Not only does this serve as a public warning for the recruiter and others, it will bring it one step closer to bumping off that piece of spam.
* Telegram them with a courteous warning. Our spam rules are hard enough to enforce as it is; there is no need to antagonize anyone about them. I also suggest pointing out where they could shorten/revise their ad to not only make it shorter but also more effective. Here are some Example Telegram Templates to Recruiters
* Report it in the RMB Spam Warning Center
* If the recruiter gives you grief about it, either create a topic about it in the MoC forum or PM me or my deputy. Recruiters we can all sorta stand. Douchebags? Less so.
* Once again, be sure to report it in the Warning Center. I'll be watching for repeat offenders, and if they continue to do so, I just may pay a visit to their leader and region. ninja.gif
Caveat on the 15-line limit
Officially, the government maintains a 15-line limit on ad-spam. However, there are many extenuating factors like monitor size and screen resolution that makes this hard-cap kind of shaky. Therefore, unless the line violation appears to be particularly egregious (~20 lines or so) to you, you can let the recruiter slide. Give a warning on the RMB if you feel like it, but you don't have to feel compelled to hound them too much.
Suggested RMB activities
1) Stupid games Come on, TNP has one of the most vibrant OOC sections in all of NationStates. Let us export that potential to the RMB, so that we can show that we're capable of more than just complaining about recruiters. Countdowns, word association, do *something* to the poster above you, etc. all show the silly side of our region and that it is not simply a monolithic bureaucracy.
2) Discussion Topics/Questions Post a good topic or question that you think will stimulate debate.
3) Critique the spam! Admit it. You log on, take a look at the RMB, and see some terribly written advertisements. Teach the recruiters that grace our RMB how to write something more compelling, attention-grabbing, and interesting in a shorter amount of space. And tell them to get rid of the section about how to move their nation to that region. That in itself is 6 lines of empty space.
4) Spam Parody Bored? Have a bit of time? Find a random piece of recruiting spam on the page and parody it to redirect people to TNP.
5) Limericks and haikus . A TNP classic. Silly poems are an integral part of our cultural heritage. You never have any clue what people you'll drag out of the woodwork when you have a poem-a-thon going.
Originally posted by Monte Ozarka, and edited by Joshua

Table of Contents:
1) NS rule violations
2) Anti-spam
3) 15-line caveat
4) Suggested RMB activities
5) Example Telegram Templates to Recruiters
The TNP Spam Busters does not have a hierarchy to it like other groups. Posted here are guidelines, tips, and suggestions for people that wish to help with our spam busting Effort.

If you wish to sign up as part of our spam busting team please vist the TNP Spam Busters Sign Up
Anyone that wishes to partake in this effort can wear the following badge.

RMB Policing Guidelines
Rule Violations
First of all, whenever you see someone violating NS rules, you should immediately report them. This includes spamming, harassment, cursing, and having an improper name/motto/flag. This includes anything that is blatantly spammed. If it appears that the recruiter unwittingly broke the 24-hour rule, just shoot them a telegram and warn them to be more careful next time.
However, the "Getting Help" page is a bit buried in the NS website, so here's a short map for it:
* Click "FAQ" in your NS sidebar.
* Below the numbered header, click the "Getting Help" link.
* Choose the right category from the drop-down menu, and write down some details of the situation in the text box. Attach the relevant RMB or Regional Happenings data as necessary.
This should be pretty intuitive. Whenever you see someone breaking our region's ad-spam rules, here's what you should do:
* Call them out on it on the RMB. Not only does this serve as a public warning for the recruiter and others, it will bring it one step closer to bumping off that piece of spam.
* Telegram them with a courteous warning. Our spam rules are hard enough to enforce as it is; there is no need to antagonize anyone about them. I also suggest pointing out where they could shorten/revise their ad to not only make it shorter but also more effective. Here are some Example Telegram Templates to Recruiters
* Report it in the RMB Spam Warning Center
* If the recruiter gives you grief about it, either create a topic about it in the MoC forum or PM me or my deputy. Recruiters we can all sorta stand. Douchebags? Less so.
* Once again, be sure to report it in the Warning Center. I'll be watching for repeat offenders, and if they continue to do so, I just may pay a visit to their leader and region. ninja.gif
Caveat on the 15-line limit
Officially, the government maintains a 15-line limit on ad-spam. However, there are many extenuating factors like monitor size and screen resolution that makes this hard-cap kind of shaky. Therefore, unless the line violation appears to be particularly egregious (~20 lines or so) to you, you can let the recruiter slide. Give a warning on the RMB if you feel like it, but you don't have to feel compelled to hound them too much.
Suggested RMB activities
1) Stupid games Come on, TNP has one of the most vibrant OOC sections in all of NationStates. Let us export that potential to the RMB, so that we can show that we're capable of more than just complaining about recruiters. Countdowns, word association, do *something* to the poster above you, etc. all show the silly side of our region and that it is not simply a monolithic bureaucracy.
2) Discussion Topics/Questions Post a good topic or question that you think will stimulate debate.
3) Critique the spam! Admit it. You log on, take a look at the RMB, and see some terribly written advertisements. Teach the recruiters that grace our RMB how to write something more compelling, attention-grabbing, and interesting in a shorter amount of space. And tell them to get rid of the section about how to move their nation to that region. That in itself is 6 lines of empty space.
4) Spam Parody Bored? Have a bit of time? Find a random piece of recruiting spam on the page and parody it to redirect people to TNP.
5) Limericks and haikus . A TNP classic. Silly poems are an integral part of our cultural heritage. You never have any clue what people you'll drag out of the woodwork when you have a poem-a-thon going.
Originally posted by Monte Ozarka, and edited by Joshua