This shall serve as my office during my tenure as Minister of Internal Affairs. I will post important announcements here, and you may post ideas, tips, or questins you have. 
Important Announcements
If anyone is interested in being a deputy in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I have room for several deputies. So, please let me know ASAP.
I am starting the TNP Recruitment Team Sign Up process once again. So, please visit the posted link if you are interested. We need you to help with recruitment!
I would also like to put together a spam busting team, so if you are interested in please visit the TNP Spam Busters Sign Up

Important Announcements
If anyone is interested in being a deputy in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I have room for several deputies. So, please let me know ASAP.
I am starting the TNP Recruitment Team Sign Up process once again. So, please visit the posted link if you are interested. We need you to help with recruitment!
I would also like to put together a spam busting team, so if you are interested in please visit the TNP Spam Busters Sign Up