Regional Assembly Membership


The Constitution requires that we provide procedures for Assembly membership and removal:

Article II: Legislative Branch

Section 1: Registration and Membership

1. The Assembly is tasked with creating and maintaining a uniform procedure for membership in and removal from the Assembly.

TNP Law 8, which provided procedures for the MoII in registering members, was nullified by the Constitution.

I therefore submit the following proposal for Regional Assembly membership:

Regional Assembly Registration and Membership

Article I

Membership Requirements

Section One

Membership in The North Pacific Regional Assembly does not require UN membership, in accorance with the TNP Bill of Rights.  However, the following requirements must be met and confirmed for membership.

1. Assembly member applicants must maintain a nation in The North Pacific.

2.  Each member Nation will by oath, abide by the Constitution of The North Pacific and The North Pacific Legal Code.

3.  Each member Nation shall refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any other nation or region in a manner inconsistent with the Constitution of The North Pacific.

4.  Each member Nation shall refrain from giving assistance to any nation or region against which The North Pacific is taking defensive or enforcement action. Exceptions shall be given to Nations acting with official authorization of the North Pacific Army or Intelligence Agencies, and is subject to the consent of the Cabinet.

5.  The use of a proxy server by an applicant for registered voter status is grounds for automatic denial of the registered voter application.

Section Two

All Assembly applicants are require post the following Oath, as their application to join.  The Oath will be posted by the applicant in the thread provided by the Speaker of The Assembly.

Your TNP Nation's name
Your UN Nation's name

I, <username>, as the leader of <your TNP nation's name>, pledge loyalty to the Constitution and Laws of The North Pacific Region, and to act as a responsible member of its society.  I understand that if my Nation leaves The North Pacific region for reasons other than for official government business, that I may be stripped of my right to vote and required to reapply.  I pledge to only register one Nation to vote in The North Pacific.  I understand that my registration of, or attempt to register, multiple Nations to vote in The North Pacific shall warrant the summary withdrawal of my right to vote from all my Nations, past, present, and future, as well as possible expulsion from the Region. In this manner, I petition the Speaker of The Regional Assembly of The North Pacific region for membership in the Regional Assembly.

Article II

Registrant Processing and Membership Confirmation

Section One

The Speaker of the Assembly, or a deputy so appointed by the Speaker, shall be responsible for processing and confirming the Assembly membership of applicants.

1. The Speaker shall provide and maintain a forum thread for the posting of Assembly applications.

2. The Speaker or assigned deputy, shall respond to applicant requests within 14 days. Failure to respond the the applicant within the specified period will result in automatic admittance of the applicant to the Assembly.

3. The Speaker will work with the forum Administrators and any Intelligence information provided to the Speaker, to ensure applicant compliance with membership eligibiliy.

4. The Speaker or assigned deputy will be responsible to maintain and post an updated list of Assembly members. The list shall be updated no less than once a month.

Article III

Member Removal

In accordance with Article II, Section Three of the Constitution, providing for the removal of unelected goverrnment members, the following methods and instances are provided for removal of Assembly members.

Section One

Violation of the Constitution or Laws of The North Pacific

1. Any Assembly member that has been found by due process to be in violation of the Constitution and Laws of The North Pacific shall be removed with immediate effect by The Speaker.

Section Two


1. Assembly members who's nation has CTE'd (Ceased to Exist) shall be removed from membership automatically by the Speaker.

2. Assembly members who fail to indicate their activity on the forum by posting for over 30 days shall be removed from membership automatically by the Speaker.

Section Three

Proxy Use

Use of a proxy server by an Assembly member, without specific official TNP permission for Army or Intelligence purpose, is forbidden and is grounds for immediate removal from the Assembly.

1. Forum administrators shall inform the Speaker in the event that an Assembly member is found to be engaged in the use of a proxy server to access the forum.

2. Upon notification, the Speaker shall immedately remove the offending member from the Assembly.
I think the Minister of Interior should approve Membership into the RA as a means of checks and balances on the branch. I like the rest of it though.

Also I think a nation should have 50 million people to become a member. Not to harsh but we can't have people coming applying then just never coming back
I disagree, as the Constitution provides each branch of the government authority over it's own governance. We've already handed all executive authority over to the Delegate. The RA should retain it's own authorities. I'd rather trust our own elected Speaker with membership than an appointed Minister.

As for needing 50 million population, I don't disagree with the reasoning, but the more quickly you can give a new nation the opportunity to participate, the more likely they are to stay in the region and be active.
I still think we should get them active elsewhere first, maybe put a Public Gallery in the RA where non members can speak their minds.
I disagree. Joining the RA is easy, or should be at least. If we gave people a place to speak without joining the RA, then they would have no reason to join.
Mr. Speaker, as there have been no futher comments, I move the Previous Question to move this to a vote.
I will move this over to formal discussion in the next day or so. (I want to make sure that RA members who might not look in the preliminary discussions thread have a chance to comment before it goes to a vote.)