New Classes

Alrighty, I think we should start up the new semester. Maybe people with ideas for classes and the people to teach them can reply here.

EDIT: I know we have to wait for the new law of the university to be ratified to do anything officially, but instead of sitting on our thumbs until then we can have an unofficial discussion, eh?
I have had to wait for certain records to come from Ator People, which he only PM'ed to me this weekend. Several courses weren't completely taught, and some coure grades haven't been tirned in. And follow-up will be required.

I plan to seek to reduce the extent of offerings to something more manageable, and to give professors an opportunity to prepare their lectures. It would not change the ultimate course offerings, but it should make it easier to have manageble building blocks.

I will be asking faculty who are active this next term to submit a one-page outline of how many lectures (by week and a total for the term) and the general topic for each week/lecture. If that information is available up front that might make the courses more oeganied, and attract more students.