Okay, my two cents


My fellow Regional Assembly members I want to say this. Our current government. Is. Not. Working. I don't know if anyone noticed that this region--one I have come to love--has had two coups in two months. After those coups I see everyone all excited and ready to change to make the region safer and more active. But a few weeks later everyone suddenly decides things are okay how they were. And the same thing happens again. This government clearly isn't strong enough, it is a lose string of ministers, administrators and RA members. I really don't see a strong leader. Before at least I saw Haor Chall at least someone to take charge, and now he left we have 3-6 Prime Ministers. Its insane and not working. I implore everyone here to work with me to fix this region. It is sick we need to be doctors trying to help The North Pacific not doctors saying "Life support can wait after my coffee and the paper"

I am sorry if this was posted over stepping my bounds or obnoxiously but it is how I feel. I will propose my own constitution in the next 36 hours.

Another proposed constitution. Just what we need.

Can we not wait and gauge reaction to the three versions already on the table before throwing a fourth into the pot?
I haven't seen the current numbers (Flem supposedly has them as MIIA), but there are about 90 RA members on the b ook. Only 22 to 24 of them have voted so far.

I would day there's no certainty how the current voting will turn out, but we do have a quorum participating.

I would say, like Flem, to stad tuned and see how these votes turn out.
Look, lets just approve the one proposal that passed and if there are problems, we'll correct them as they come up. Sound like a plan? Cause this isn't helping anyone right now.