Khark for PM

Since it appears that few have acknowledged my rightful place as Sultan and Sovereign delegate of this region, it appears that I must have to take the "legal" and "proper" steps to take some sort of official office in this "government".

As the delegacy is not up for grabs right now, I must sadly announce my candidacy for the next best position, the Prime Minister.

What would a Khark-led government entail? Well, first off I would solve our constitutional problems by ignoring the existence of the constitution. For the Cabinet, I will eliminate most of the unnecessary positions, IE all of them, and rule by decree.

And remember- A vote for Khark is a vote for awesomeness and ice cream. You all like ice cream, don't you?

Campaign HQ can be found here:

Sultan Khark

OOC: If elected, I will work seriously hard to fix the problems of TNP. If this means working extraconstitunionally, so be it. Unconstitutional rule is nothing new for TNP, is it? If elected, my "unconstitutional" rule will actually help the people, as opposed to simply becoming even more inefficient, and I will attempt to appoint a team of the best experts I know to be the cabinet. If a cabinet member shirks his duty, he will be immediately replaced without warning. Its time to get tough, its time to get serious.
Your URL is too long and full of letters. Not nearly as streamlined as z13.invisionfree.invalid/tnp now is it?

I feel like that is an indicator of your overall inefficiency. Shorten the URL and you may just get my vote. Otherwise I will use my vast influence in this region (Yeah, I'm DD, ever heard of him?!) to smother your campaign like a python around a suckling pig.
We just made it. We're planning on having a nice portal hosted at or something similar. Besides, we're not making an alternative to the current forums, more of an additional unofficial outgrowth. We've encouraged all our forum users to sign up here too!

Plus, we host our own forums so we don't have to have google ads!
Listen, you can continue to sit around and promise me no-ads this or free kittens that, but what about the real issues? I want to know if you have a moderation job available over there in case this place goes kaput? I need some job security and benefits.
Sure, we could use a moderator. Right now we just have me and CK, the founders and admins, but we don't have a mod. I'll have to ask CK about it, because he is hosting it himself and therefore has last word dealing with the technical details, but I'm sure we can work you in.

We only have a few members at the moment, but a number of people have expressed interest for the lolz if nothing else, and I expect us to keep growing. A good site team would help that alot.

Plus, we may expand ourselves to other regions and run candidates there too. But let me assure you... THERE IS NO CABAL.

P.S. I just realized we've shortened our site address to