Emperor Matthuis
Max Barry Day
A resolution to promote funding and the development of education and the arts.
Category: Education and Creativity
Area of Effect: Educational
Proposed by: Dannie E Bolden
Description: In November of 2002 a man named Max Barry created a website that lets users make thier own nations........This is where we stand today.
This Document declares that every March 18 will be honored as an international holiday called Max Barry Day, in honor of the man who made and created this whole website.
Votes For: 2,806
Votes Against: 1,116
Voting Ends: Thu Oct 11 2007
The Mods missed this resolution, which breaks UN rules because it reached quorum and then got voted on so quickly, so unless the Admin delete it or it is repealed, it will hopefully pass.
Simply because, OOC, I find it amusing to screw up the UN.