Prosperity and Reform Act of 2007

Before we reach the end of our legislative cycle the party of the Prime Minister has initiated a campaign of reform in our fair Assembly. We, the DMSP, feel our demands are quite reasonable and urge the Regional Assembly to pass the following legislation quickly. Herein below and forthwith is the manifesto of the Despot McGee Serious Party.

Hygiene and Sport Initiative
Twice-weekly public baths.

<span style='font-family:Geneva'>NPA Force Readiness Agenda

More thorough training in the arts of fisticuffery
Nutella rations for NPA soldiers

Fair Science in Trade Proposal
Convention to address, review, repeal the laws of gravity


General Welfare Reform
Fair treatment and happy endings for supporters, boncentration bamps for others

Energy Conservation and Better Time Management
Naptime. Precisely noon-thirty.

Juice and Animal Crackers

Better Weather
If voters behave.

Rider for the Enhancement of Patriotism
Miniature North Pacific flags for schoolchildren. Especially orphans.

A Very Firm Brow-beating at the FOX Network
Futurama? Firefly? You monsters!

Initiative for the Reduction of Stuffy Legalese in Government
All bills, laws, amendments, legal coda, constitutions, et al et cetera ad infinitum, to be stricken from the record and rewritten to include the word "fun" in all laws, as it is conspicuously lacking.

Peach Cobbler! On me!

Abolition of Slavery
Just kidding. </span>

Stilton, damn it! Where's the Stilton? ;)

And Haggis! We mustn't forget the Haggis!
Surely the period for discussion has passed has it not?! Maybe is it that which it is appropriate time to put this bill to a vote, yes?!! For great justice!!