One last thing


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot
TNP Nation
Well folks, this is my last announcement as your Delegate (and as a game player). Effective immediately, the Salvadorian Delegate of Chodean Kal (aka Dalimbar) will no longer be a member of the United Nations and a resident of the region, and thus will no longer be the Delegate of The North Pacific. I am hereby officially inviting Great Bights Mum, a deeply respected member of this community and a former Delegate of this region, to take the reigns and ensure that this region gets a fair and effective Constitution.

Folks, I know I have made quite a few mistakes during these troubled times. We all know what those mistakes are, so I’m not going to go into too much detail. Yet, it is time for this region to move forward. You have the opportunity now to create a brighter future for our homeland, one filled with prosperity and opportunity.

It is critical that we all do this right, for the safety of our region. Please, endorse GBM. She is one of the few I have confidence in to make sure this region can get off its rear end and move on, without factionalism or further strife. As for me, I will not be bothering you anymore on these forums, and will probably only hang out in IRC. I really do look forward to this retirement.

Thank you,

Delegate of The North Pacific (Ret).
Well it's disappointing that you would eject me then resign, from an OOC point of view I found it all rather fun but have fun in your retirement.
Goodbye, Dali. Way to deprive people of the first feeder crisis since the influence system was implemented. I'm sure that many around the NS world are disappointed to have to drop their guns. I know. I feel for them. So much.

Stay in touch. ;)
Well, good luck, Dali.

This was the most unexpected move I have ever seen accomplished by any TNP delegate!

Yeah, Ermarian, I was about to say the same thing.

Dalimbar, good luck with RL.

(Admin note: Based on the first paragraph of Dali's first post, I will be changing the mask this evening.)
6 minutes ago: The Salty Dogs of Great Bights Mum replaced The Salvadorian Nation of Chodean Kal as UN Delegate.
It gives me great relief to post these well wishes to Great Bight's Mum. We of the West have great confidence that GBM will help lead the North Pacific in the near and hopefully, long term future back into a energetic, prosperous region.

We wish Dalimbar a good retirement. May school treat you well.


Dali didn't turn over access to his nation and he set it up so that a popular nation acceptable to everyone would succeed him. He successfully got us all off our arses resulting in a positive outcome. He didn't leave us with a free-for-all either. Very clever, IMHO.
All in all, the most agreeable coup we've had in a while. EM lost a few influence points, but people are generally OK.

P.S. Dali, if you still read this, I (at least) would like to see you back in the RA. If not now, then sometime in the future. Don't stay away forever. ;)
Danggit!! And here I was all set to stir up things with my Chodean TAO ... I even had a grand story in the works (along the vein of Ivan the Ogre and the Cloak of Endorsements). This ruins everything. :pinch:

Curse you Dali ... we hates Dalisssssss for everrrrrrrrrrr. :bat:

It will be a different game without you, Dali. If you do decide to come back, come to TWP and be marsupial-free. Best wishes for your continued schooling.