Future Actions of Chodean Kal

For the past two days, our attempt to get people to our boards and unendorse Dalimbar has worked. He has gone from 300 to around 270. This is great success.

However, we need to be weary about the elections. Dalimbar considers himself the true delegate of the North Pacific and the only legitimite Delegate of the North Pacific. Any attempt to seige his position in power will be marked as an invasion by Dalimbar. He will, no doubt, use this as propaganda against us, therefore gaining more and more support. He will use fear to remain at his throne.

So, when our Delegate is elected, let's make it a bit more discrete about taking over the Delegacy. Dalimbar can read the Regional Message Boards. He reads it for spam and ASCII pictures. No doubt that if he comes across "Vote for the true Delegate: Emperor Matthuis!" (used as an example), he will immediately ban Matthuis and anyone who has endorsed them, saying that we were trying to invade.

Be aware of these two factors in our revolution. Do not endorse anyone on the RMB, and, come election times, we need to use telegrams to get people to endorse our elected Delegate. We can still use the RMB for patriotic purposes.

For a free TNP!
Sorry mate but I disagree. We only win hearts and minds with a strong public presense. He hasnt banned yet and his first blood should he chose to abn the elected del willbe a huge PR win for us
As I recognize.

However, he WILL attempt to use our own election against us. He will br crying "invasion, invasion!"

Those whom are not on the forums will agree with him.

Yes, bannings will be a huge win for us. However, we should not HOPE that he bans an elected delegate because we would, at the same time, lose arsenal.

You must look at the glass both ways.
I hope he does start banning. I hope he bans not any old scrum but the frontrunners leading the freedom cry. I hope we can provoke him into it with all the vengeance a keyboard can wraith. Because if he does his influence will be sapped.
Uhuu, so to be a frontrunner, I just go "Elect me, VZ, the only true delegate by the will of the people of TNP!" on the RMB, get banned and am hence a martyr?

Great, I'll do that tomorrow!
Because if he does his influence will be sapped.
Do we know this for sure?
I am not aware of any event in a feeder region were something actually challenged the influence of the delegate to the limit. IMHO we do not really know how many he can eject/banject until we have a precedence case.

Not ejecting nations yet is a clever move and will save him some credibility. Whenever a delegate ejected nations it was somehow an advantage for the other side (not counting single events like spammers or unknown tarters).
Because if he does his influence will be sapped.
Do we know this for sure?
I am not aware of any event in a feeder region were something actually challenged the influence of the delegate to the limit. IMHO we do not really know how many he can eject/banject until we have a precedence case.
Ivan only ejected Minnow nations and minor players in The Pacific, but never huge endo holders. If he ejects anyone within his grade he'll lose too much influence.
Mr. Gaunt, GBM seems quite sure about it; both she and FEC have been delegates for TNP since the regional influence factor was introduced.

If I get bored over the weekend, I might try a hand at endo tarting myself. I've never done it in The North Pacific, but there's a first time for everything!
Ivan kicked Unlimited and Mammothistan if I am remembering correctly. But I can't remember if he banned them over the update. I believe he lost a good bit of influence then.
I have no comment on that, really.

We just need to be aware of this. We will be martyrs. We will stand for our freedom. However, it would be even better if we won the Delegacy. You HAVE to say that.
The best way to regain the region is to do it as painlessly as possible. I offered and idea in the RA Preliminary Discussions forum. Dali has agreed to accept it. I was surprised that he accepted the idea without reservation. It's up to you all now.

My post on the RMB:
This comes to a shock to me, on many different levels.

Firstly, I haven't been online for the entire day until several minutes ago when I was... kindly told on IRC that my nation had a meltdown. I will state that I did not eject the 12 or so nations, it was a hacker (appropriate term I think in this situation), and I will sort out the problem.

Secondly, I was told a few minutes later that the nations that this shadow-person banjected were for the most part foreign nations who were there to endorse Emperor Matthuis. This is a rather unsurprising yet saddening action. Members from all factions in the z13 forum and myself met on Wednesday to hammer out a rough draft for a new constitution. It was my intent to withdraw from the Delegacy following the ratification of this new constitution and allow for new Delegate elections. I still want that to happen.

I want all you in the z13 forum to know something: Keep foreigners out of the region and have some decency. When foreigners moved in on their own will to support me, you remember what I did? I told them to respect North Pacifican sovereignty and go home.

This is a promise to you, all nations of The North Pacific. By the end of the month, hopefully way before then, you will be given the opportunity to decide on a new constitution. This will take place on the z13 boards. Citizens, I recognize that I have hurt this region. Yet, I am willing to work for the common good of the North Pacifican people by working for a suitable constitution, one that will be effective and one that will flexible. Already, there are interesting proposals in discussion, and I hope that you make your voice heard.

http://z13.invisionfree.com/tnp is where this is all at.

Thanks everyone.

Chodean Kal,
Delegate of The North Pacific.
I find it very disconcerting that the delegate's nation is so susceptible to being hacked. I wonder when we will wake up to find more prominent members of our community accidentally ejected.