Gaspo for Minister of Defense


I stand before you today in an interesting position. You see, I retired from commanding consistently active military forces. Or at least, I thought I did. In other work, I command the Pacific Army, but that force does not operate at the same level of intensity as the North Pacific Army. It's a different creature, with a different objective. But I digress.

It seems as though it's hard to escape the business of leading military forces. I stopped defending, as I said, when I left the ADN. But then, some time later, I reapplied for the NPA, and was reinstated to my former rank as General. And I find myself oddly interested in taking on a more formal role commanding the North Pacific Army, both as a General on the battlefield, and as a Minister in the government. I was nominated for MoD once, but RL prevented me from running, and the task fell to Dalimbar, a long-time friend of mine. Again, I digress.

I've always been better at bullets than ornate oratory, so I'm going to keep this short and simple.

1) As far as changes within the NPA, for the most part it's a functional organization. Maintaining the status quo, for the most part. We have a solid rank structure, we have a solid system for notifying our soldiers of their missions, and we have a fairly solid military intelligence division. It's not what it could be, but in a sense, the battlefield of today does not necessitate the elaborate infrastructure put in place by Mesian during his time as MoD. It was a brilliant system, to be sure, but it was too big. I intend to continue paring things down, but not by much; Ator has done an admirable job of keeping things running smoothly.

2) Recruitment - more needed, etc. I used to be a recruiter, maybe I'll do that again. I certainly am starting to have more free time for this game.

3) More stuff to do. I would argue that the answer to this is not, as some have decided in the past, to establish an elaborate infrastructure for the army. I would suggest, rather, that we simply go on more missions. Despite my failed attempt at retirement, which succeeded for a little while, I somehow haven't managed to get those pesky defender people to stop being my friends. Enough of them, at least. I'm pretty sure we can find more to do, though I confess I am a bit preoccupied with the happenings here on the home front.

It's 1:15 in the morning, I'm exhausted, and I thought I should throw something out there.

OH! The Security Council! Right! Those of you who're SC members now, you've seen my participation in that body. Those of you who aren't SC members, well, that's the kind of stuff I've spent my entire NS career focusing on. You decide whether or not I get to have a third term. I would like to have that opportunity.

Also, a shameless plug for Former English Colony, because she's not able to post a campaign thread! Here goes... It could be worse, the bunny tyrant could be running for Delegate! Vote Former English Colony for Security Council, to keep her pacified!
Thank you. I don't think I'm running against anybody, at least, if my math on NPA endorsements is correct. Regardless, I would be happy to answer any questions anyone might have.