Ator People
The position of Vice-Delegate is often a position that goes with out notice. However, it is a position vital to the security of our region.
I have played Nationstates for about three years now if I remember correctly. I have held several government positions in The North Pacific including Minister of Culture & Education, Minister of Defense, Minister of Communications, and a seat on the Security Council. I am also currently the Chancellor of The North Pacific University.
As Vice Delegate I will maintain an endorsement level just below that of the elected Delegate. I will work with the delegate, the Security Council, the Cabinet, and the Regional Assembly to ensure the security of the region. I will be the first line of defense should the delegate be overthrown or compromised.
The position of Vice Delegate also allows me to work and communicate more closely with the people in the region through the regional message board and regional telegrams. I have tried to post often on our RMB, but as Vice Delegate I will be there more often, ensuring that all nations of the region are kept updated of government events. I will communicate with natives via telegram to welcome nations and inform them on the regional forum.
Above all, I hope my years of work and dedication with this region will prove that you can trust me. I cannot convince you to trust me, I can only hope that I have earned it. The North Pacific is my home here on Nationstates and I will always do what I can to protect it.