RMB Policies


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot
TNP Nation
North Pacificans, after hearing the pleas of natives who are fed up with the constant invasion of recruiters and misfits who litter our RMB with their spam, it is time for us to take our RMB back. As such, I enact two policies today, one to enforce the 15-line rules, and one to restrict "offensive" posts and allow for our citizens to utilize the RMB for their own means.

Regulation on Foreign Advertisements
To preserve the Regional Message Board (RMB) of The North Pacific as a venue of communication for native citizens, yet at the same time understanding game-rules on the permission of foreign advertising in the feeders, the Delegate of The North Pacific enacts as follows:

1. The maximum number of lines permitted in an advertisement without facing prosecution shall be 15, including blank lines.

2. A nation who posts more lines than permitted in Artical 1 shall be sent an official warning by any North Pacifican, and be reported to the Delegate.

3. Failure to comply with the above mentioned warning shall result in the nation being classified as Persona Non Grata in The North Pacific, and shall be subject to expulsion and banning.

Signed this Seventh day of August, Two Thousand and Seven,

Chodean Kal,
Delegate of The North Pacific.

Regulation on Offensive RMB Posts
In opposition to posts on the Regional Message Board (RMB) that have been deemed offensive by the citizenry of The North Pacific, the Delegate of The North Pacific enacts as follows:

1. Nations who post ASCII "art" on the RMB must be reported to the Delegate by any North Pacifican, and issued a warning.

2. Nations who willingly post messages that knowingly disturb the flow of conversation contrary to the wishes of native posters (aka spam) must be reported and issued a warning.

3. Nations who post messages that do not contribute to the well being and development of the region must be reported and issued a warning.

4. Any nation who violates Articles 1-3 additional times after receiving a warning will be ejected from the region. In extreme cases of violation, the Delegate reserves the right to ban the offender.

Signed this Seventh day of August, Two Thousand and Seven,

Chodean Kal,
Delegate of The North Pacific.
Hmmm. I would be lying if I said that I don't welcome these changes, but the stipulations are rather subjective, no?
I would tend to agree with MO.

Also, we 'have' to report offenders, are there punishments for those who don't?
Oh, bloody hell. It just means please for the love of God, report the offenders. No punishments, just tell him.

Some people make things complicated.
To EM: Would you, a forum official, want to be known as someone who harbours vultures and spammers? While it is shameful that there would be those who wished to do such a thing, yet I am resolved to having a loose group of individuals who will keep an eye on the RMB, in the event that there are those who escaped being reported.

To the rest of TNP: Would you like to help out your region by stamping out the vultures and misfits who trash our beautiful RMB every day? Are you bored by the lack of activity all around you? Even if you don't have alot of time, I want you to help me by being a member of the RMB Protection Squad! You will be required to spend an alloted time per week monitoring the RMB, communicating with other nations in the region, and enforcing the Regulations on Foreign Advertisements and Offensive RMB Posts.

If you are interested, please contact me any time.
To EM: Would you, a forum official, want to be known as someone who harbours vultures and spammers? While it is shameful that there would be those who wished to do such a thing, yet I am resolved to having a loose group of individuals who will keep an eye on the RMB, in the event that there are those who escaped being reported.

To the rest of TNP: Would you like to help out your region by stamping out the vultures and misfits who trash our beautiful RMB every day? Are you bored by the lack of activity all around you? Even if you don't have alot of time, I want you to help me by being a member of the RMB Protection Squad! You will be required to spend an alloted time per week monitoring the RMB, communicating with other nations in the region, and enforcing the Regulations on Foreign Advertisements and Offensive RMB Posts.

If you are interested, please contact me any time.
I agree with you Dalimbar, but I sort of feel like we have this with the CommRangers. Now, if we could better use the Spam reporting center to more effectively deal with repeat offenders then that would be dandy. I feel like I report folks, and if they do not listen then what happens to them? Nothing as of now. Other then us repeatedly TGing them reminders. Sometimes you need a slap on the wrist.
The reported persons will be on a permanent list. They do not come off because "oh, I've been a good guy for a couple weeks", nay. One warning, that's it.

The problem with the CommRangers is because unless I've been mistaken, I've never received while Delegate (both "legitimate" and "rogue") been handed any records of warning or information of the sort. As the RPS works directly for the Delegate, and is mandated by the Regulations, such problems will be averted in my opinion.
The reported persons will be on a permanent list. They do not come off because "oh, I've been a good guy for a couple weeks", nay. One warning, that's it.

The problem with the CommRangers is because unless I've been mistaken, I've never received while Delegate (both "legitimate" and "rogue") been handed any records of warning or information of the sort. As the RPS works directly for the Delegate, and is mandated by the Regulations, such problems will be averted in my opinion.
Fair enough, Dalimbar. I have just sent you my first report on a fella named Conservative UK who posted an ad that was 25 lines long. They posted the ad roughly 5 hours ago at 6:53 pm.

Can we work on better communication between you and the CommRangers? I for one support the regulations put in place. If folks would take one minute to read the WFE and have some consideration for our RMB, that would be fantastic. I must admit, I had not completely understood this matter till I became apart of a feeder.
The reported persons will be on a permanent list. They do not come off because "oh, I've been a good guy for a couple weeks", nay. One warning, that's it.

The problem with the CommRangers is because unless I've been mistaken, I've never received while Delegate (both "legitimate" and "rogue") been handed any records of warning or information of the sort. As the RPS works directly for the Delegate, and is mandated by the Regulations, such problems will be averted in my opinion.
Eh. There's been an open record of violators all along. What else would this thread be for?

Perhaps not publicized so well, but it's been there. :P
I agree with you Dalimbar, but I sort of feel like we have this with the CommRangers. Now, if we could better use the Spam reporting center to more effectively deal with repeat offenders then that would be dandy. I feel like I report folks, and if they do not listen then what happens to them? Nothing as of now. Other then us repeatedly TGing them reminders. Sometimes you need a slap on the wrist.
my apologizes for stepping into TNP delegate discussion forum,


you might find this relevant, Dal

I'm noticing the list attached to the eject button is split in two halves. The second part includes nations who have recently left the region... we can now ban drive-by spamers!

Unless I'm absolutely blind, I do not see such lists on my regional controls. Perhaps that is only allowed in UCRs? I spoke with Moo-Cows, got his hopes up about it, and he noticed that there is nothing of that sort on his either in The Pacific.
i'll ask fudgie when she's around, though i noticed you already posted over on jolt.

we'll probably have to wait for them <jarring chord> to figure it out or if it was an accidental oversight.
I'm really hoping that it was an accident, as otherwise that would be extremely lame and low on the part of the admins.
I am sure it was not an accident. It has been the policy of the mods not to prevent or restrict advertising on the feeders, provided it does not go over the "once per day" rule.
Call me a cynic but that does sound awfully like Dali can decide anyone who opposes him or disagrees with him isnt working for the public good and ban them
I'm really hoping that it was an accident, as otherwise that would be extremely lame and low on the part of the admins.
hack's reply

Regions over a certain size don't get the pull down menu, therefore the pull down menu can't be modified. If you want to see if it works, put the nation to be banned in the text box.
:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

Another set of pointless initiatives and slap on the back-athon crusades. Apart from being entirely uninforceable, it makes us look rather petty.

Recruiters are not the problem, they are a symptom of it. You can make up any number of policies, guidelines, spam busting patrols and the like, but it isn't going to make a difference if you don't tackle the root of the problem.

If you want to sort out the RMB then please start from a position of attempting to use it more, rather than trying to get other people to use it less.
People might be more likely to use it, if their conversations were'nt constantly interupted by an endless stream of overlong spam.

And a 15-line limit is useless if it isn't enforced.
It seems that Hack is right, the new powers are indeed granted to feeder Delegates.

Conservative UK was banned a few minutes ago while not being in the region in violation of the Regulation on Foreign Advertisements and not heeding a warning sent to them by myself yesterday. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe it is now possible with these new powers to enforce the 15 line rules.
Well, IMHO, the 15 line limit needs to be codefied and then strictly enforced, and then be made a specific duty of the Delegate to enforce.
"Note: This forum is not recognized by the Delegate as a government forum of The North Pacific."( From the North Pacific window in-game)

New to the forum but it seems odd to me that a person who does not recognize the forum as having any official capacity is then going to turn around and make rules for it.
The "rules" that you are referring to apply to the Regional Message Board of The North Pacific on the main NationStates site, not this forum. The reason why I am announcing my Regulations here is because this is the most commonly frequented board for The North Pacific, allowing them a chance to see it.
Sorry to but in, but I was wondering if the 15 line limit has a resolution & screen size base to work off as they both affect the out come of a post length.
Sorry to but in, but I was wondering if the 15 line limit has a resolution & screen size base to work off as they both affect the out come of a post length.
Not that I know of. Personally, I am working off a 1024 x 768 pixel resolution when I report violators. Monitor size? Who the heck knows, maybe 19 inches. But, that is merely a guess on that one. ^_^
Sorry to but in, but I was wondering if the 15 line limit has a resolution & screen size base to work off as they both affect the out come of a post length.
I don't know about Dalimbar, but I'm working off a fullscreen 1280x800 monitor. However, as there are monitor size variations, I tend to give recruiters a bit of leeway and won't send you a warning unless your ad is egregiously long (19+ lines on my monitor or so).
The stuff that needs to be stopped is that crap using ASCII characters to make goofy little pictures. Oh, and those obnoxious recruitment posts that go on and on and on.

Maybe it's time to create yet another government ministy - The Ministry of Aesthetic Deletions - the purpose of which is to simply delete obnoxious recruitment adds. :w00t: