:p You could always try the transliterated version: privet ot Dal'nijrus'.Cyrillic? Ewww.
Ohio, if you'll believe it.Welcome to TNP! Where do you hail from in RL?
Nice to see a shiny, new face.![]()
Yes. At least where I am. Gigantic ancient swampland ftw.Ohio you say? Is it as boring as it seems?![]()
I am originally from NY.
? ?????????. ): ??????, ??????? ? ???? ????????, ? ???????????? ??????.Haha, davai!!
Ja ljublju russkij! Ty govorijes russkij djeistvitel'no? Ja ne...
Ah, what a shame I can't write in Cyrillic!ß èçâèíÿþñü. ): ëó÷øåå, êîòîðîå ÿ ìîãó ãîâîðèòü, ñ ïåðåâîä÷èêîì îíëàéí.
Ja izvinjajus'. ): luchshee, kotoroe ja mogu govorit', s perevodchikom onlajn.
I hope I got that right. I'm planning to take Russian when I go to college this fall, so hopefully, my grammar will improve. :p
Shhh... no one would have noticed.I don't speak Russian at all, it's just some talent and a dictionary!![]()
http://www.translit.ru + http://www.rustran.comAh, what a shame I can't write in Cyrillic!ß èçâèíÿþñü. ): ëó÷øåå, êîòîðîå ÿ ìîãó ãîâîðèòü, ñ ïåðåâîä÷èêîì îíëàéí.
Ja izvinjajus'. ): luchshee, kotoroe ja mogu govorit', s perevodchikom onlajn.
I hope I got that right. I'm planning to take Russian when I go to college this fall, so hopefully, my grammar will improve. :p
I don't speak Russian at all, it's just some talent and a dictionary!![]()