An Act to Decrease Inactivity

Inactivity is the bane of all existence. From polar bears to the French to NationStates. It is in times of great hardship and extensive sexual combustability that we common friends and enemies, or frenemies if you care to be daring, must join forces to viciously and expeditiously eradicate inactivity and its source.

In order to do this we must prudently place our petty, political, and problematic differences in the corner like noisy orphan children and cease to propose resolutions filled only with droll platitudes.

I therefore propose that as a region band together and have a sexy party. We will indulge in great quantities of fine drink and feast upon rare delicacies such as whooping crane and dignity. I propose an annual party to be held on the first day of August of often.

A committee would have to be formed to search out possible venues, invitations, guests, and a possible organizing committee