Ator People
Hello class! This will be a fairly straightforward semester. We will learn how to properly write a Nationstates UN Resolution. A resolution in Nationstates UN is a proposal to change or create some sort of international policy which will affect all member UN nations. The resolution, if passed by the NSUN (Nationstates United Nations) will be binding to all member nations and will have an effect on your nation's Civil Rights/Economy/Political Freedom depending on the type and strength of the proposal.
The final grade for this semester will be decided by an original UN resolution written by yourself. The grade will be based on how well the resolution is written.
Before we start learning how to write a resolution, I want all students to read how NOT to write one. These are things which will get your proposal deleted before it even has a chance for a vote. They are binding UN Resolution rules.
Read them here:
These are very important so read them well! After this I will go into more depth on how to actually write a proposal.
The final grade for this semester will be decided by an original UN resolution written by yourself. The grade will be based on how well the resolution is written.
Before we start learning how to write a resolution, I want all students to read how NOT to write one. These are things which will get your proposal deleted before it even has a chance for a vote. They are binding UN Resolution rules.
Read them here:
These are very important so read them well! After this I will go into more depth on how to actually write a proposal.