(A07) Class 1

This course will cover the basics of "communication" in Nationstates.

What is communication you may ask? Wikipedia defines it as, "a process that allows people to exchange information." In the online world of gaming, communication with real people is what separates single player games from multi player games. With communication, a whole new realm of gameplay is introduced: humans. Computers can only do so much, but with human minds on both ends, the game can continue to evolve as friendships and animosities develop.

Grades in this class are determined by class participation. For this participation, I will ask all students to post at least once in each class thread with a response to a question I ask. Two word responses won't earn you the best grade, so put some thought into what you say!

We will be covering three types of communication in Nationstates over the next three weeks. Telegrams, regional message boards, and forums.

For your post this week (you can post more than once if you'd like!), please rank the types of communications from best to worse based on your opinion and experiences with them. Explain your answer and note what you like best and what you don't like about each one. Feel free to discuss other people's answers.
Forums - as a new player this appears to be the best form of communication. Other players seem to check the forums often enough to receive a timely response, and I like the transparency. An open forum allows one to communicate with many in a single effort.

Telegrams - I'm not sure how useful this really is. Honestly, how many players go on the nationstates site as often as the forums?

Regional Message Boards - I'm not sure what that is.
Forums- Forums are where the government activity takes place. Players active on the forum usually check in there more often than on NS, and you can communicate with multiple people at once on the forum.

Telegrams- Telegrams are pretty useless for communicating with people active on the forum, because they don't always check into NS. Telegrams are useful for communicating with people not active on the forums. You can remind the UN members of your region to endorse your delegate through Telegrams, and the bulk of recruitment is done through Telegrams.

Regional Message Boards- The Regional Message Board is useless to almost everybody except the people new to the game. It can be used just to have a conversation off of the forums, though the posts are not permanent like the forums. You can't recruit (or atleast I don't think you can) on the Regional Message Boards of The Pacifics, making another regions Regional Message Board useless to you.
Am I in this course? Sorry, I missed the post.

Telegrams & Forums: Both great, depends on who you are communicating with. Some players do everything on the forums, others on NS by telegram.

Regional Message Board: Useless as far as I have been able to tell. Just spam.
Telegrams- Direct, Targeted
regional message boards- Indirect, Non-targeted



Interegional (helped by ambassadorship)


Interegional (via embassy)
