Ator People

For those in the Military Service major, you must take half (9) your BoNS credits with the NPMA. Please see this thread for your choice of courses.
Courses listed in gray are not available this semester.
Introduction to Nationstates I (A01) – [Monte Ozarka] An introduction course to
Nationstates, this class will look at the overview of the game, basic
concepts, and management of one’s individual nation. Grades will be determined
by a short final exam. 3 credits
Introduction to Nationstates II (A02) – [Ator People] A more advanced introduction course to Nationstates it will examine the concept of regional government and forum participation. Grades will be determined by a short final exam. Prerequisites: A01. 3 credits
The Nationstates United Nations, An Introduction (A03)– [carlottaguidicelli] This course will examine the concept of the Nationstates United Nations, how it works, and how to participate in it. Grades will be determined by a short final exam. 3 credits
Introduction to Defending/Invading (A04) – [Scardino] This class will discuss
Nationstates invading and defending and its influence in Nationstates. Grades
will be determined by a short final essay. 3 credits
TNP History I (A05) – This is a class on the basic history of The North Pacific. It does not concentrate on a particular era, rather it gives an
overview of how TNP has evolved. Grades will be determined by a short final
essay. 3 credits
Issues, what are they? (A06) – [Emperor Matthuis] This class will examine, more in depth, the influence issues have on your nation. Grades will be determined by class participation and a few short quizzes. 2 credits
Communication I (A07) – [Ator People] This class will discuss the different modes of communication between nations and between regions. Grades will be determined by class participation. 3 credits
Writing NSUN Resolutions I (B01) – [Ator People] This writing intensive class will go over the proper format to write Nationstates UN Resolutions and Repeals. Grades will be determined by a final essay. 3 credits
TNP Constitution (B02) – [Grosseschnauzer & Eluvatar] This is a class on the study of the current TNP Constitution and its history. This is a two-semester course. Grades will be determined by a final exam. 7 credits
Defending I (B03) –[Ator People & Joshua] This is a class that will discuss the theory and strategy behind defending and liberating regions as it is currently practiced. Grades will be determined by a final exam. 3 Credits
Invading I (B04) –[Scardino] This is a class that will discuss the theory and
strategy behind invading regions as it is currently practiced. Grades will be
determined by a final exam. 3 Credits
Diplomacy I (B05) – [Joshua] This class will examine the importance of diplomacy in Nationstates, its history, and its practice. Grades will be determined by a
series of short essays during the semester. 3 credits
TNP History II (B06) – This history course will cover in depth the
history of TNP prior to the last Constitutional Convention. Grades will be
determined by a final exam. Prerequisites: A05 or recommendation from the Chancellor or Board of Regents. 3 credits
TNP History III (B07) – This history course will cover in depth the
history of TNP including and following the last Constitutional Convention.
Grades will be determined by a final exam. Prerequisites: B06. 3
NS World History I (B08) - [Fulhead Land] history course will briefly cover major world NS events to try and understand the connection between the histories of
various regions. Grades will be determined by a final essay. 3 credits
History of NS Resolutions I (B09) – This class will study the first
third of NSUN Resolutions. Grades will be determined by a final exam. 3
History of NS Resolutions II (B10) – This class will study the second third of NSUN Resolutions. Grades will be determined by a final exam. 3 credits.
History of NS Resolutions III (B11) – This class will study the final third of NSUN Resolutions. Grades will be determined by a final exam. 3 credits.
Defending II (D01) – [Ator People & Monte Ozarka] This course will discuss the history of defending, advanced defense techniques, and famous defense missions. Grades will be determined by class participation. Prerequisites: B03. 3 credits
Invading II(D02) – [Scardino] This course will discuss the history of invading,
advanced invasion techniques, and famous invasions. Grades will be determined
by class participation. Prerequisites: B04. 3 credits
Diplomacy II (D03) – [north harmoneia] This course will look at the different treaties and diplomatic negotiations in the history of Nationstates and will discuss
their effectiveness. Grades will be determined by a short research paper.
Prerequisites: B05. 3 credits
NS World History II (D04) – This history course will discuss the early era of Nationstates era and how it compares to the current world situation.
Grades will be based on a final essay. Prerequisites: B08. 3 credits
Advanced NS World History (D05) – This history course will discuss, in depth events that influenced various parts of the Nationstates world. Grades will be determined by a series of exams throughout the course. This is a two-semester course. Prerequisites: B08. 7 credits
NS Intelligence I (D06)– This course will look at intelligence and
counter-intelligence in Nationstates, particularly in a military setting.
Grades will be determined by a final exam. 3
NS Intelligence II (D07) – This course will examine the little-seen
world of domestic intelligence and counter-intelligence in Nationstates.
Grades will be determined by a final essay. Prerequisites: D03, B05. 4
Passing a NSUN Resolution (D08) – This class will discuss the best strategies to pass a resolution and will look at past successful resolutions
and failed resolutions to see why they passed or failed. Grades will be
determined by a final project. 4 credits
The Power of Democracy in Nationstates (D09) – This course will examine the effect democratic governments have had in Nationstates, not only on their own citizens but also with respect to foreign affairs. Grades will be determined by class participation. 3 credits
Nationstates Regional Analysis (D10) – [Advisor: Ator People] This is an independent research course, in which a student will select a non-feeder region of 100+ nations and detail in a paper the history and government of the region, while at the same time proving a thesis of their own choosing. The student is encouraged to
contact the region while working on this project. Grades will be determined by
the research paper. This is a two-semester course. Prerequisites: B08. 8
TNP Law I (D11) - [Byardkuria] This class examines the the basics of The North Pacific Legal Code and students will study important laws in the region. Grades
will be determined by a final exam. Prerequisites: B02.
3 credits
TNP Law II (D12) - This class will examine the laws of the region closely, discuss court procedure, and study certain court cases in TNP. Grades will be
determined by a final exam. Prerequisites: D11.
3 credits
Pacific Politics (E01) – [Vitrionia] This course will look at the political history
and current governments of all five “Pacific” regions (The North Pacific, The
East Pacific, The South Pacific, The West Pacific, and The Pacific).
Grades will be determined by class participation. 2 credits
Government Types (E02) – This class will study the various types of governments in Nationstates and their effectiveness. Grades will be determined
by class participation. 2 credits
Defense/Invading Lab (E03) – [Ator People] This lab is an exercise in defense and invasion operations. The course will be a series of invasions and
defense/liberation missions. One must be taking B04, B05, D01, or D02 during
the same semester. Grades will be determined by participation in the labs.
2 credits
Vexillology (E04) - This course
will examine the different flags in Nationstates and how to design a flag for
Nationstates. Grades will be determined by a final project.
1 credit
Cartography (E05) - This course will
examine the science and art of map making in Nationstates. Grades will
be determined by a final project 1
NS Role
Playing (E06) - This fun class will discuss the value of role playing
in Nationstates and proper etiquette while role playing. Grades will be
determined by participation in class role playing threads.
1 credit
Forums and their Importance in NS (E07)
-[Monte Ozarka] In this course, one will explore the importance of off-site forums in Nationstates. Grades will be determined by a short essay.
1 credit
Forums and their Importance in NS II (E08) -[Monte Ozarka] This course will focus on the technical, organizational, and administrative aspects of forums in
Nationstates. Grades will be determined by a final exam.
Prerequisite: E07. 3
Independent Study (E09 & E10) – [Advisor: Soigacas] This is an independent course in which the nation chooses a topic, approved by the advisor, to do research
on. Grades will be determined by a short final essay. This has two course
numbers because it can be taken twice for two separate topics and essays.
1 credit