Backward and downward

As exciting as the current fiasco is, we also have more important business to get to and many other exciting fiascos to create as well.

Emperor Matthias, you seem back so welcome back. Your deputy hopped the train, I'm afraid.

Blue Wolf, Joshua skipped town as well.

Monumental... you're still here, right? [size=-1]Please?[/size]

Everyone else: thanks for sticking around. The NPIA lookinginto has been ongoing, but for transparency and paperwork's sake I publicly made a request to the Director and he's complying. As I said to you all what he said to me, let's see how the waters go with a cooperative Director.

Emperor Matthius, I liked your plan of action at the beginning of this term. How is it coming along?
I was posted that I was going to be away in the RA absence thread.

Anyways, I am back for the weekend, and will be around till Monday. And then I am off for my trip to ME for the summer and will be back online hopefully June 6 or 7.

I will be active for the weekend.
As I mentioned in the RA Signup thread, I am in a wedding party this weekend, and thus am mostly unavailable. I will return full-time on Tuesday evening most likely.