Fulhead Land
Mr Prime Minister,
hello there, how are you? You've been a tad quiet recently and I thought that it was important that I asked a question or two. As you can clearly see there is a bit of a situation brewing between The Pacific and us. While it wasnt your government who dropped the ball, people do look to you as our nominal leader for some sort of retort or response.
Is there one forthcoming? Do you indeed have any opinion at all on the subject, or any plan for dealing with it before it becomes any more farcical?
Thank you my good sir!
Your humble servant,
Fulhead Land
hello there, how are you? You've been a tad quiet recently and I thought that it was important that I asked a question or two. As you can clearly see there is a bit of a situation brewing between The Pacific and us. While it wasnt your government who dropped the ball, people do look to you as our nominal leader for some sort of retort or response.
Is there one forthcoming? Do you indeed have any opinion at all on the subject, or any plan for dealing with it before it becomes any more farcical?
Thank you my good sir!
Your humble servant,
Fulhead Land