FD: RA3: Holidays


TNP Nation
Zemnaya Svoboda
Be it enacted by the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific -

RA3: Holidays:
Cognizant of the role of shared national events in shaping and maintaining the culture of a region, and mindful of the importance of a region's history and the lessons it may contain, The North Pacific hereby recognizes the following annual holidays.

1. The first day of January shall be known as Remembrance Day, and shall provide an occasion for Nations to reflect upon and remember those players who have left the region and the game of Nationstates.

2. The twenty-sixth day of May shall be known as Manumission Day, and shall provide an occasion for Nations to commemorate the end of the delegacy of Pixiedance, and the return of a democratic government to the region.

3. The seventh day of July shall be known as Constitution Day, and shall provide an occasion for Nations to commemorate the ratification of the Constitution of the North Pacific.

4. The twenty-eighth day of July shall be known as Liberation Day, and shall provide an occasion for Nations to commemorate the overthrow of Great Bight, and the return of a native government to the region.

5. The thirteenth day of November shall be known as Creation Day, and shall provide an opportunity for Nations to commemorate the establishment of that first and greatest of games, Nationstates; as well as provide an opportunity to enjoy and extend fellowship to our counterparts throughout the NationStates communities.

6. The twenty-third day of November shall be known as Founders' Day, and shall provide an opportunity for Nations to commemorate the establishment of the first official forum of The North Pacific, and the establishment through it of the community which has kept The North Pacific as the preeminent region in Nationstates.

This proposal is now undergoing the ritual of Formal Discussion. Discuss.

The author of this bill is Byardkuria.

The vote on this bill, as modified, will begin between May 22 and June 5th-- I will consult with Byardkuria et al next week about a more specific time, based on the state of this discussion.
I believe this is ready for a vote.

We do need to keep in mind that the weekend after this coming weekend, in generally considered the beginning of the summer holiday season in some areas, and many folks will be travelling away from their computers.
I meant the timing which he would prefer.

Given the uncontroversial nature of this bill it seems fine for it to move faster to a vote. Vote shall be from the 19th through the 25th then.
I am quite fond of this bill. None of the holidays are spurious, the names are original, it is tasteful. Mad propz 4 Byard yo.

I have a question tho: Will adoption of this bill preclude other non-legal, cultural holidays? Because I was thinking we might have a lot of fun with Christmas in July.
I would certainly hope not! Just because a holiday isn't a Legal one, doesn't mean it can't go on - look at St. Patrick's Day. Or Mardi Gras. Or Samhain. Or Pierogie Day, or whatever else floats your boat.

Plus, if everyone really wants to have Third Arbor Day or some such, we can amend this provision to make it Official (note the capital) without too much trouble.

Re; timeframe - I would like to see it voted on as soon as we can, but don't want to get in the way of any RL holidays (Irony ho!) or bills that affect Regional security, etc. So, I will defer to the judgement of the Speaker.
I would change the word "commemorate" to "celebrate". For me the word "commemorate has slighly negative, sorrowful connotations, and there are few sane people who mourn the ending of the delegacies of Great Bight or Pixiedance.
I would change the word "commemorate" to "celebrate". For me the word "commemorate has slighly negative, sorrowful connotations, and there are few sane people who mourn the ending of the delegacies of Great Bight or Pixiedance.
I agree commemorate would be a better word.
I can do commemorate and celebrate where appropriate, sure. Contrary to my normal manner, I shan't get too hung up on semantics.
Unless the Speaker is waiting for Byard to actually write in the accepted change to use "commemborate and celebrate" I'm confused as to why this hasn't been moved to a vote yet.

Just in case:

Be it enacted by the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific -

RA3: Holidays:
Cognizant of the role of shared national events in shaping and maintaining the culture of a region, and mindful of the importance of a region's history and the lessons it may contain, The North Pacific hereby recognizes the following annual holidays.

1. The first day of January shall be known as Remembrance Day, and shall provide an occasion for Nations to reflect upon and remember those players who have left the region and the game of Nationstates.

2. The twenty-sixth day of May shall be known as Manumission Day, and shall provide an occasion for Nations to commemorate the end of the delegacy of Pixiedance, and celebrate the return of a democratic government to the region.

3. The seventh day of July shall be known as Constitution Day, and shall provide an occasion for Nations to commemorate the ratification of the Constitution of the North Pacific.

4. The twenty-eighth day of July shall be known as Liberation Day, and shall provide an occasion for Nations to commemorate and celebrate the overthrow of Great Bight, and the return of a native government to the region.

5. The thirteenth day of November shall be known as Creation Day, and shall provide an opportunity for Nations to commemorate and celebrate the establishment of that first and greatest of games, Nationstates; as well as provide an opportunity to enjoy and extend fellowship to our counterparts throughout the NationStates communities.

6. The twenty-third day of November shall be known as Founders' Day, and shall provide an opportunity for Nations to commemorate and celebrate the establishment of the first official forum of The North Pacific, and the establishment through it of the community which has kept The North Pacific as the preeminent region in Nationstates.

That should do it. Can we move this to a vote, please?