I was the founder of The Exodus Peace Festival, and some of you probably have attended it. It is meant as a festival to celebrate and promote peace in NS. The idea being to bring a diverse group of NS nations together to discuss peace, what does it mean, how can we achieve and promote it.
Peace is a very important concept/idea to me, but is so vague and all encompassing. I have found that the festival in the past is a good way to flesh out the meaning of peace and it is interesting that for everyone the meaning of it differs just a little bit.
The festival was setup as one forum with various sub forums within it. One part was a place to register and to meet and greet with folks. And there you could also establish your own booth or shop. Which I found added more depth and a little more fun to the festival.
Another sub forum was a place to share literature that related to peace and the various ideals associated with the idea of peace.
Another was a place to post art, and express peace through a visual means.
Now the festival has been a moderate success in the past, and I was hoping to do put on another one in my old home of The Exodus, but things did not work out as I had planned. I felt we could add more depth and meaning to the festival. here were ideas I had proposed:
1. Set up a section that could be used to moderate an y international conflicts in NS.
2. Establish a board to oversee the running of the festival and this might help make it more successful.
3. Have the festival goers collectively write a UN resolution that would promote the various ideals of peace and submit it to the UN.
Those are just some ideas. And I am open to others and please give input. And ultimately the response from fellow TNPers will determine if this goes forward or not.