Monte Ozarka
“The smarter the journalists are, the better off society is. [For] to a degree, people read the press to inform themselves-and the better the teacher, the better the student body.”
--Warren Buffett
Sign up here to be a reporter for the North Pacific Wire! Write news, write opinion pieces about anything and everything! Broadcast your voice and views all across the region and across the world! It can be about NationStates or real life, about happenings within TNP or in our neighbors in the NS universe. No story is too big, no story is too small. Comics, satire, and movie reviews--all are welcome. Plus, this is TNP we're talking about here. It's a region of mystery, intrigue, and scandal. And when there is mystery, intrigue, and scandal, there is the press, waiting to capitalize upon it.
You don't have to be a RA member to join. TNP residency would be preferred, of course, but also not required. All that you must have is a desire to write, draw, or otherwise express yourself.
So, stop thinking about whether or not democracy should be compulsory for a few seconds, and sign yourself up here to expand your horizons and further our proud region's culture.
~Monte Ozarka
Interim Editor-in-Chief