Establishment of ICPIN


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot
TNP Nation
Establishment of ICPIN

A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Quintessence of Dust

Description: The United Nations,

Aware that criminal activities often span multiple jurisdictions,

Alarmed by the prospect of criminals attempting to cross national borders in order to escape justice,

Realizing that many nations employ multiple law enforcement agencies with differing mandates and fields of specialisation, which may not have direct correlations in other nations, making international cooperation between these agencies and others difficult,

Recognising the importance of international communication in tackling crime and apprehending criminals:

1. Promotes cooperation between member nations in the apprehension of criminals, particularly international fugitives, the suppression of criminal activities, and the sharing of intelligence concerning criminal activities and their perpetrators;

2. Further encourages member nations to negotiate reciprocal agreements with others to permit law enforcement agents to enter their nation and exercise power of arrest and detention;

3. Emphasises that the decision to grant such powers remains a national prerogative;

4. Requires member nations to maintain a Central National Office (CNO) to communicate between all law enforcement agencies and other relevant authorities under their jurisdiction, and to act as a point of first contact for other national and international organizations seeking to establish lines of communication;

5. Establishes the International Criminal Police Information Network (ICPIN) to promote effective communication between nations and their law enforcement agencies, and to facilitate international operations to suppress criminal activities, especially in the fields of:
- trafficking of persons, arms, drugs, stolen goods, illegal technologies and other illegal materials,
- international terrorism,
- organized crime,
- corruption and financial crime;

6. Encourages member nations, where appropriate, to use the ICPIN as means to issue alerts, exchange information and organize efforts to apprehend criminal fugitives;

7. Declares that the ICPIN shall:
- maintain regular contact with all CNOs,
- assist in the establishment and maintenance of the CNOs of nations requesting such aid,
- facilitate communications and cooperation between national law enforcement agencies,
- distribute information and alerts to all relevant CNOs about known or suspected fugitives or criminal activities,
- cooperate with other relevant international agencies, such as the ICSI,
- compile and maintain a database of known and suspected fugitives, international criminal organizations, and criminal activities spanning multiple jurisdictions;

8. Strongly emphasises that:
- ICPIN agents shall not have powers of arrest or detention, nor any authority to engage in police or military actions,
- any information provided shall only be disclosed with the express agreement of both the nation of origin and the ICPIN,
- nothing in this resolution shall require nations to aid in the apprehension of anyone they do not consider a criminal.
I was wondering how long it would take for someone to vote. Anyways, for those who haven't seen my announcement on the RMB, I'll be voting at 6:00pm PDT, so get your say in by then.
I have a UN nation outside of NS and plan on voting nay.

4. Requires member nations to maintain a Central National Office (CNO) to communicate between all law enforcement agencies and other relevant authorities under their jurisdiction, and to act as a point of first contact for other national and international organizations seeking to establish lines of communication;

I have issues with this part in particular. I could very well see nations posting or giving out false information or not giving out all information.

I understand the heart of the bill which is to encourage better international communication betweennations so that capturing criminals and cleaning up crime would be an easier and more efficient process. But, I feel the bill is to lax and does not require enough, but merely suggests and encourages.
Folks, while I appreciate your belated enthusiasm about discussing this resolution, I voted yesterday (Nay, for the record, which was indeed posted on the RMB), and the resolution has indeed passed.

Case closed, please wait 'till the next resolution comes up. Which, looking at the support for the current ones on the floor, won't be for a while.