Monte Ozarka
A new proposal to help solve the duality issue:
(Yes, it's lengthy. If you have any ideas for shortening it, please say so. )
Section 1: Definitions
A - For the purposes of this law, a "group" is defined as a region, regional government, governing party, or an organization of nations or regions.
B - For the purposes of this law, a "taking part" or being a "member" of a "restricted party" is defined as taking part in the governance or functioning of a restricted party or any of its governmental departments.
Section 2: "Restricted Party" status
A - No Regional Assembly applicant who is a member of a restricted party may be granted Regional Assembly membership.
B - Any Regional Assembly member who, at the time that a group is deemed as a restricted party by the RA, is a member of a restricted party must either remove him/herself from said restricted party or resign from the Regional Assembly within seven days. If the Speaker of the Regional Assembly receives no decision from said Regional Assembly member, said member's Regional Assembly status will be automatically revoked.
C - Regional Assembly members are prohibited from taking part in a restricted party.
Section 3: Disclosure
A - A current and up-to-date list of restricted parties shall be maintained by the Speaker of the Regional Assembly. The Ministry of Immigration and Internal Affairs shall inform applicants of these laws and maintain the Regional Assembly roster so as to carry out the stipulations of this law.
B - Regional Assembly applicants are required to list any and all restricted parties they are members of.
C - Regional Assembly members shall be required to name and maintain a list of any and all restricted parties they are members of.
D - Exceptions to the rules in Sections 1 and 2 can be made for North Pacific Army (NPA) and North Pacific Intelligence Agency (NPIA) members on NPA or NPIA-sanctioned missions, once the Minister of Defense or the NPIA Director, respectively, has informed the Speaker of these circumstances.
E - Violating these rules may result in charges of treason and other penalties.
Section 4: Creating "Restricted Parties"
A - The Regional Assembly, solely, shall have the power to deem groups as "restricted parties". Any Regional Assembly member may draw up a bill declaring a group as a restricted party.
B - Regional Assembly members who applied for Regional Assembly membership prior to such a bill reaching Formal Discussion are barred from voting on the bill.
C - The Regional Assembly may vote to remove a group from the list of restricted parties. The voting stipulations within this section apply also to such votes for removal.
(Yes, it's lengthy. If you have any ideas for shortening it, please say so. )