Cultural Heritage in War


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot
TNP Nation
Please submit your vote by Wednesday, April 18th.
Cultural Heritage in War

A resolution to promote funding and the development of education and the arts.

Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Cultural Heritage

Proposed by: Quintessence of Dust

Description: The United Nations,

Believing that notable articles of cultural heritage constitute a legacy for all people,

Noting the heightened risk to such articles during armed conflict,

Convinced that the preservation of cultural heritage for all is a goal both worthy of and requiring international action and agreement,

Equally not wishing to unduly infringe upon the sovereign territory and right to self-defence of its member nations:

1. Defines, for the purposes of this resolution, "cultural heritage" as:
- articles of great cultural value, and especially those bearing archaeological, artistic, historical or religious significance;
- areas and buildings primarily used for the storage and display of such items, such as galleries, libraries and museums;
- sites officially recognised as being used solely for archaeological excavation;
- any other articles agreed on by parties to the armed conflict as protected cultural property, or designated as such in international law;

2. Declares that this resolution shall be considered to apply in times of armed conflict, which shall include:
- armed conflict between two or more state parties;
- civil war recognised as such by both internal and external parties;
- armed insurrection or civil disturbance leading to a declaration of a state of emergency;

3. Requires member nations to refrain from, and prevent to the best abilities their forces and the civilian populations of areas under their control from engaging in:
- the deliberate and targeted destruction or damage of cultural heritage, except where such articles are being used for military purposes by opposing forces, or where damage to such articles is unavoidable, or necessary for the preservation of military or civilian life;
- the desecration, vandalism, theft or taking as reparations of cultural heritage;
- the use of sites of cultural heritage for any military purposes, excepting the treatment of casualties;

4. Condemns all acts in contravention of this resolution and calls upon member nations to investigate, try, and where found guilty punish those involved in such acts.
To inform everyone, the vote is 4 FOR, 5 AGAINST. I will be keeping the polls open till roughly 9:00pm PDT (you guys can do the time conversion for your timezone), so please feel free to get your votes in.

Chodean Kal,
UN Delegate of The North Pacific.