Emperor Matthuis
Repeal "Mutual Recognition of Borders"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution
Category: Repeal
Resolution: #190
Proposed by: Omigodtheykilledkenny
Description: UN Resolution #190: Mutual Recognition of Borders (Category: Global Disarmament; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
Argument: Determined to preserve global peace and stability through international initiatives to prevent unnecessary violence and bloodshed;
Pleased with the progress made so far in that area, in the shape of numerous resolutions seizing the United Nations and its membership of the matter, further promoting peaceful relations between member states, and mitigating the harmful effects of warfare on innocents;
Dismayed, however, that Mutual Recognition of Borders accomplishes next to nothing to that end;
Unimpressed by the resolution's establishment of a committee to review disputed borders, with no clear purpose, constitution, duties, or mandate that parties seeking its assistance agree to abide by its findings;
Concerned that wasteful and superfluous committees such as this will do nothing to promote global peace and security or prevent unnecessary loss of life in wars stemming from border disputes;
Disappointed that the resolution contains no check whatsoever against colonialist or imperialist aggressions;
Troubled that aggressor nations seeking to wage war on their neighbors and contribute to regional and international instability could conceivably circumvent the mandates of this article by simply disputing currently undisputed international borders;
Convinced that the recognition of international borders should remain the province of the nations who share them;
We hereby resolve, in witness of all here assembled, that Resolution #190: Mutual Recognition of Borders contributes little more than wasteful bureaucracy and pointless lip-service to the worthy goal of containing the imperialist ambitions of corrupt powers and protecting the peoples of disputed territories from the catastrophic effects of resulting border wars, and is therefore repealed.
Voting Ends: Sat Apr 14 2007
Since Dalimbar missed the previous UN resolution, I will post this one, I hope I'm not treading on anyone's toes here.