Fifteen Lines!


R. Lee Ermey says so.
4) In the event of explicit spamming of the Regional offsite forum or the Regional civil headquarters message board at, a Nation may be ejected by the Delegate without a prior referendum vote if the action is countersigned by the Prime Minister upon the posting of the offense by a Regional Assembly Member, and a second to the immediate expulsion motion by another Regional Assembly Member. However, the subject Nation of the expulsion action shall have the right to a post-ejection referendum vote by the Regional Assembly on a motion to ratify the ejection. The vote shall be to ratify the action to expel, and the expulsion shall be ratified if within seven days, at least 50 per cent of the Regional Assembly with a quorum participating, approve the motion in a referendum.

So if Grosse and a couple RMB watching peoples watch for the 15 line limit, we can let Dali shoot them down... and then they can ask for a 1 week long ratification vote, but that's ok, we're good at voting.
But that requires Dali to be available at a moment's notice 24-7. And once banjected, a recruiter simply creates a new puppet and the spam is the same or worse. This is a silly law.
It's no worse than speed limit laws in RL. We can still catch a few offenders and give them a "ticket", even if most of them get away with it.
If it continues (and if they are UN) we can actually report them to the Mods for spamming or griefing or something. Doesn't hurt to try.

Damn, TAO. You're a pessimist.
A-I ... if you badger the Mods about 15-line limit violations when such a thing is clearly NOT against the FAQ or the OSRS, you will succeed in NOTHING save pi$$ing off the Mods and receiving a warning against you for being annoying.

TAO is not a pessimist but a realist who has been fighting spam and battling spammers and reporting to the mods for a loooooooong time, in Game terms.

WV ... like RL speed limit laws??? Oh please get real!!! In RL, federal, state, county, and municipal agencies have LEGITIMATE AUTHORITY TO ENFORCE such laws. What does TNP or any other Feeder have that would correspond? One thing only ... a 3 - 5 second window for Dalimbar to banject the spammer's sorry keister to the realms of rejection. And that assumes Dali is online and ingame 24/7.

Think of AdSpammers like illegal immigrants who break the law and not like citizens who break the law. The only power is a delegate deportation.

The only way to show spammers that 15 line is the limit is to create zone teams that work in concert around the clock to keep the spam moving quickly ... and the quicker the better. If you had folks who could guarantee that spam would be gone in 5 minutes or less, the length of the spam would hold no relevance at all.
Hack in Jolt forum:
Just as a hint, a good way to trim the length of your ad is to ditch the insulting and unecessary directions on how to change regions. Besides, do you really want people who can't figure out that minor detail?
I LOVE THIS!!! All along I have been saying the reason for the "Click here to move ..." section of adspam is for the recruiters (limited intellects that they are) to have a method of finding their way home after their recruitment run is finished and they find themselves in a feeder.

From the rest of the Game Mods comments in the Jolt thread, TAO has been correct in saying the whole 15-line limit is a courtesy thing by spammers and is going to be a real bugger-bear to enforce.