Delegacy Secured in Iran as Part of Operation Azure
North Pacific Army troops deployed to Iran have secured the delegacy, as part of the NPAs Regional Assistance Mission to Iran, 'Operation Azure'.
This statement also sees the declassification of the operation by the NPA. The operations previous classification had prevented the release of any information regarding it.
Operation Azure was instigated when Iran was invaded by the region, 'Britian and Ireland', and this deployment has seen a role change from that of liberators to peace-keepers, tasked with ensuring the smooth tranisition of the region back to native control and the establishment of a new government so that any further threats will be negated.
NPA troops had to at several times handle a dynamic situation in which several parties came to bear against each other, but the NPA is confident there will be no more conflict in this region.
The NPA will remain in Iran until the native government no longer requires the military support of the NPA. 4VGU have also been deployed to assist in the re-construction process.
NPA troops question a suspicious individual after unrest in the region resulted in no delegate being elected for an entire day