Media and Information Work Group


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot
TNP Nation
Work Group on Media and Information

The Work Group on United Nations Affairs (WG-MI) is an investigative work group that will report to the Director of the Regional Volunteer Task Force on the following matters:
  • Recruiting and training staff to assist in the preparation of the North Pacific Wire, and to prepare and distribute regional reports both inside and outside the Region
  • Working with foreign meda groups on bringing media diversity to this region and others
Those are not the sole objectives of investigation for this work group. If WG-MI feels the need to investigate other areas of related concern, the Director can grant them permission to look into those areas. Members are expected to produce a Work Group Report every week on their findings, research and current ideas on how to improve. The work group should designate one person to file the report to the Director, who will then release the weekly All-Work Group Report.

Members of WG-MI are at this time:
Monte Ozkara
Mr. Gaunt

If you are interested in being a member of this Work Group, please message the Director (aka Me!). Also, this thread is to be used by WG-MI members and those people who have questions to ask of members or are receiving questions. Feel free to use it as much as needed.

Thank you,

Director of the Regional Volunteer Task Force.
Right. So let's get started on this. Here are some of my ideas, and I welcome my fellow group members to jump in and trash them. :lol:

I think that we can pretty much divide this into domestic and international news. IMHO, since we will pretty much be trying to build this from the ground up again, we should progress in a stepwise fashion. So, small things first.

Interregional News:
At first, we should probably aim to aggregate instead of produce. To allow us the most minimum of work in this section, we could go one of two routes in the beginning. The first is to aggregate the most interesting bits from other regions' regional reports into an easy-to-read article every week or so and publish it (with links) for TNP public consumption. As this could largely be summary with a dash of commentary, this can likely be handled by a small number of personnel (or even just one). The other option is to set it up so that we go out and recruit reporters from other locales and have them be contributing reporters to this news service, thus mirroring a blog or the Associated Press. These articles can be posted on the forum (preferable, as it channels activity into our forum and news agencies), on a blogging site, or even better, both.

Regional News:
I guess we could divide this up in two sections: 1) diplomatic reports and 2) civilian news articles.

As far as diplomatic reports go, it will also largely be a matter of aggregation. Simply put, it will require members of the news team to trawl around the forums and ask its members for requisite information. It will probably be largely summary, with color sacrificed for brevity.

Civilian news articles, on the other hand, should strive to be much more vivid and should strive to take on a particular tone, whether it be humor, severity, etc. The possibilities here are endless. Real NS news, fake NS news, satire, tabloids, gossip columns, webcomics, etc. We can and should integrate the OOC and blogeriffic talents of our forum-goers with the news community to pump out pieces of humor, scandal, and outright lies. "BREAKING NEWS! THE LOCH NESS MONSTER ATE MONUMENTAL PROPORTIONS! WAKE TO BE HELD TOMORROW" Liek omgz.

As far as real regional news goes, there can be articles about the activities of the region, an RP bulletin (if we ever have enough RP going on at any one time to warrant one), and the various news bulletins from the different ministries (much like the NPA news or whatever it's called). This can harness the journalistic creativities of other ministries, while the MoC can largely administrate, organize, and publicize.

But yeah, in short, there's two ways to go about news: aggregation and production. Dependent on manpower and interest, the different "news"es can be assembled in either way.

Comments? Suggestion? Requests for me to STFU? :P

P.S. Are we supposed to be the ones laying down the operational groundwork for ministerial work, or are we supposed to actually carry these through (i.e. actually writing ambassadorial reports), or are we supposed to do both?
Since the agreement Dal and I have about the task force is that i would provide input when appropriate, here's a small piece.

Upper Kirby has een restarting this area from the ground up since he was appointed MoC after the election. Feel free to talk to him about what he's done so far, and see how the MoC and the the working group can re-inforce each other's effort. And yes, testing out any strategies would e quite useful. If the strtegy works then the moC can incorporate it into the particular work force, and we can then identify any changes that may be needed in current law.
Also, I think that it'd be a bit helpful if the "Regional News and Ads" box up at the top of the forum came under the authority of the MoC itself. I know that many of the limitations may be technical in nature, but it's something worth considering. As it stands, the box is just a few extra inches of forum that one has to scroll through. I mean, the NPA Training Program link goes to an archived thread, and the RA votes have long since expired. And Jethnea has been up since forever. Why have it if it's not going to be updated or if it's too much of a hassle to do so?
So, first things first.

Who, exactly, is responsible for writing the regional reports that the Diplomatic Corps distribute? Are we? Is anyone doing this right now?
The recent amendment ot the MoC duties gives the MoC a role in that; but the MoC and the MoEA need to be adult enough to work out how that is done.