United Nations Affairs Work Group


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot
TNP Nation
Work Group on United Nations Affairs

The Work Group on United Nations Affairs (WG-UNA) is an investigative work group that will report to the Director of the Regional Volunteer Task Force on the following matters:
  • Promoting the endorsement of the Delegate to other nations as well as the promotion of UN resolution voting
  • Developing systems for more timely and accurate data about endorsement activity and levels for the use of the Delegate, the Vice Delegate, the Security Council, and the Cabinet with cooperation of the Defence and Security Work Group)
Those are not the sole objectives of investigation for this work group. If WG-UNA feels the need to investigate other areas of related concern, the Director can grant them permission to look into those areas. Members are expected to produce a Work Group Report every week on their findings, research and current ideas on how to improve. The work group should designate one person to file the report to the Director, who will then release the weekly All-Work Group Report.

Members of WG-UNA are at this time:
Zemnaya Svoboda

If you are interested in being a member of this Work Group, please message the Director (aka Me!). Also, this thread is to be used by WG-UNA members and those people who have questions to ask of members or are receiving questions. Feel free to use it as much as needed.

Thank you,

Director of the Regional Volunteer Task Force.
Let's get to work!

My aim is: theatrclfrk6589

and of course you guys can contact me on PM

I'm willing to serve as the one who files reports and such.
If this work group involves some security related tasks, shouldn't it also have a private area to discuss those elements?

( For example I'd prefer not to just go around publishing my endotartogram. )
I agree with creating a limited forum--I don't think our discussions should be public until they become our "official" proposals/announcements/etc. Plus, honestly, people had opportunity to volunteer for this work group and if they didn't I don't see why they should get an opinion in preliminary discussions regarding current and future matters.

Moreover, once we have a limited forum, I would like to begin work, I think waiting for all three of us to be on aim at the same time is next to impossible.

La Duchess

By the way, please contact me by my hotmail address, if you do e-mail me.

shangkoymanh@Hotmail.co.uk (No, I can't pronounce it either)

My Yahoo account is buggered up and I can't e-mail people with it.
Who has the authority to make this a private thread? I want to get started and not be a "do-nothing" work group.
Forum administration and they just denied my request :(

Private Messages and Instant Messaging it is then.
No, ZS, that wasn't a forum administration decision. That was a governmental decision; and reflected the desire of both myself and Dalimbar that the entire, task force process be as open and transparent as possible.

Please keep in mind that moving all discussion and development off-board on some topic or idea would totally defeat this intention. If you need to protect specific details for some reason, do remember to at least post something descriptive of the ideas being discussed in these threads, so others can provide comment and feedback. Otherwise, that defeats the whole process, and that wouldn't be a good thing.
I understand what the Prime Minister is saying and I respect the decision.

So, shall we begin work now that all is settled?

La Duchess
I have previously discussed this with a few members and thought it best to bring the idea before our work group.

I want to draft a UN proposal that would require UN nations to perform a ten-year census of its citizens. I feel that it's very important that nation leaders know their demographic make-up and it would also secure equal representation in Parliament and other government affairs (of course this part only includes democracies.)

Any ideas/thoughts/suggestions?

Question: Are these work groups essentially sub-committees for the RA? Can we pass non-binding resolutions if we have discretion involving our topic matter? I'm curious to know exactly what we do in this group other than educating members on UN proposals/resoultions and working to gain endorsement support for our delegates.

La Duchess
These work groups are independent of the RA. They are designed to develop and test ideas that meet various needs of the various parts of the government, and the ones that work can then be formally taken to the RA for adoption, where needed.
I agree with the duchess. What use is a government that knows nothing about the public? I'd vote for that.

As for the current resolution at vote, Repeal "Mutual Recognition of Borders", I am of two minds . The recognition of borders is necessary, and many wars and deaths can be prevented because of it, but removing military action entirely is not the answer. Realistically, many nations would not be willing to dismantle national defence, Lebostrana included, and if even one nation were to disobey, the rest would remain defenceless, causing international unrest once again.

There is also the question of national unrest. If there were no military, terrorism would quickly spread through the nation, and the police department alone could not stop it.
I'm taking the liberty to post the entire proposal so that all can read it:

Description: UN Resolution #190: Mutual Recognition of Borders (Category: Global Disarmament; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Determined to preserve global peace and stability through international initiatives to prevent unnecessary violence and bloodshed;

Pleased with the progress made so far in that area, in the shape of numerous resolutions seizing the United Nations and its membership of the matter, further promoting peaceful relations between member states, and mitigating the harmful effects of warfare on innocents;

Dismayed, however, that Mutual Recognition of Borders accomplishes next to nothing to that end;

Unimpressed by the resolution's establishment of a committee to review disputed borders, with no clear purpose, constitution, duties, or mandate that parties seeking its assistance agree to abide by its findings;

Concerned that wasteful and superfluous committees such as this will do nothing to promote global peace and security or prevent unnecessary loss of life in wars stemming from border disputes;

Disappointed that the resolution contains no check whatsoever against colonialist or imperialist aggressions;

Troubled that aggressor nations seeking to wage war on their neighbors and contribute to regional and international instability could conceivably circumvent the mandates of this article by simply disputing currently undisputed international borders;

Convinced that the recognition of international borders should remain the province of the nations who share them;

We hereby resolve, in witness of all here assembled, that Resolution #190: Mutual Recognition of Borders contributes little more than wasteful bureaucracy and pointless lip-service to the worthy goal of containing the imperialist ambitions of corrupt powers and protecting the peoples of disputed territories from the catastrophic effects of resulting border wars, and is therefore repealed.

Current Vote:
Votes For: 1,054

Votes Against: 1,581

Voting Ends: Sat Apr 14 2007

If the voting continues this way it looks like this is going to be a very close vote. So it is very important that the UN nations of the North Pacific vote on this proposal and that we voice our opinions to the Delegate so that the majority of this region can be represented in his vote.

Personally, I'm going to vote for this proposal unless others can come up with solid reasons not to be in support of this bill.
Since part of this work group is dedicated to promoting endorsement of the Delegate, I had a few ideas of what we should do:

I think that we should draft and agree on a short message that can be posted on the Headquarters so that those that are not actively involved in this forum can have an idea of why they should endorse the delegate and we could also do a plug for joining the forum and becoming an RA member, etc. I think we should post this message once a week and one of us would be responsible for doing so.

The next idea would require quite a lot of work but I thought we should consider drafting a message that we could send via telegram to UN nations that are also not actively involved on the forum. I'm not exactly sure how to go about doing this, but I thought I would bring the idea before the group so that we could throw around ideas on how to accomplish it.

La Duchess
Since part of this work group is dedicated to promoting endorsement of the Delegate, I had a few ideas of what we should do:

I think that we should draft and agree on a short message that can be posted on the Headquarters so that those that are not actively involved in this forum can have an idea of why they should endorse the delegate and we could also do a plug for joining the forum and becoming an RA member, etc. I think we should post this message once a week and one of us would be responsible for doing so.

The next idea would require quite a lot of work but I thought we should consider drafting a message that we could send via telegram to UN nations that are also not actively involved on the forum. I'm not exactly sure how to go about doing this, but I thought I would bring the idea before the group so that we could throw around ideas on how to accomplish it.

La Duchess
The Recruitment Group is working on that.

We'd love your help though :)
You guys are going to have a lot to respond to if I don't stop posting!

But I've got this ten-year census proposal on my mind and I want to get it done before the end of the semester insanity begins.

Here are my key points for the proposal, I would like to hear feedback and feel free to express what you think should be added to the proposal:

Alarmed that not all United Nations governments know the demographic make-up of their respected populations including, but not limited to, age, gender, race, household income, marital status, etc.

Concerned that free citizens are not equally represented in democratic legislation, social welfare programs, and other government programs.  (I need additional examples, please make suggestions!)

Requires that all United Nations governments perform a ten-year population census that is to be conducted by a Census Bureau set up by the governing body of the nation.

Of course it needs major flushing out and needs to be added to--these are just ideas that I came up with initially. I need/love feedback!

La Duchess
It sounds good, unfortunately, I can't provide any more examples for your key points.

I am personally going to vote for the current UN resolution.

What is more, I agree with everything I have just said.