Defence and Security Work Group


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot
TNP Nation
Work Group on Defence and Security

The Work Group on Defence and Security (WG-DS) is an investigative work group that will report to the Director of the Regional Volunteer Task Force on the following matters:
  • Recruiting and training additional members to the North Pacific Army
  • Establishing connections with other military organizations and becoming more involved with military situations
Those are not the sole objectives of investigation for this work group. If WG-DS feels the need to investigate other areas of related concern, the Director can grant them permission to look into those areas. Members are expected to produce a Work Group Report every week on their findings, research and current ideas on how to improve. The work group should designate one person to file the report to the Director, who will then release the weekly All-Work Group Report.

Members of WG-DS are at this time:
Vrtbovska Zahrada

If you are interested in being a member of this Work Group, please message the Director (aka Me!). Also, this thread is to be used by WG-DS members and those people who have questions to ask of members or are receiving questions. Feel free to use it as much as needed.

Thank you,

Director of the Regional Volunteer Task Force.
As both a member of this task group, and Acting Minister of Defence, I think it is only appropriate that I deliver a report relating to the objectives listed as being the responsibility of WG-DS, and what steps have been taken by the NPA in the last week to 'move forward'.

Operation Renewed Dilligence

Upon being appointed acting MoD, I began what is to be known as Operation Renewed Dilligence. ORD aimed at looking at, and seeing reform in the following areas;
- Recruitment, Retention and Training
- Deployment Philosphy
- Internal Structure of the NPA

As can be seen from the above, ORD clearly covered the entire first objective point of the RTF.

Recruitment and Retention


As you may have noticed, a large recruitment drive is currently underway. The whole aim of the drive is to basically get in the face of nations, and making them aware of the NPA, and its renewed activity.
This is the reason posters have been posted in high activity areas, as the key to recruitment is not just attracting current RA members, but potential RA members abroad.
As well as the posters, Recruiters have been targetting members who have just joined the RA, or applied for RA status, or have expressed interest in helping out the region.
Recruitment ads have also featured on the RMB as well as telegrams being sent out, though, this type of recruitment reaches a broader audience, applicants from this type of recruitment may be of a security risk.

As a result, the NPA has recieved a total of 6 enquires, with the enlistment of a further 3 on top of this.

We are looking at improving this trend, so that by early May, the NPA has a total count of 30 active troops (which will require the recruitment, and retention of at least a futher 20 nations).

Retention and Training

Retention has also been an issue in the past, and this is due to several resons;
- NPA was loosley organised with a heavy rank structure
- New recruits were left to stagnate during training, and upon full enlistment, had little to no promotion or advancement oppurtunities
- Deployments were sperodic and individualistic

Below is the reason, and what steps ORD has seen implemented to change these for better operation;

- NPA was loosley organised with a heavy rank structure

The NPA was recently organised around 1 forum, which deployments were posted in. Every so often, a Roll Call was taken, which saw numbers decrease with each topic slowly.
Most within the rank structure were either at the top of it, or at the bottom. This saw little movement, with many long time members platueing at the ranks of private or lance corporal.

ORD has aimed at re-defining the rank structure by provided specific criteria which promotes basic activity whilst also encouraging individual intiative and teamwork. This gives new recruits a clear path to follow to their desired positions, and alot of oppurtunities to prove themselves, and become part of the next generation NPA.

No existing members have been demoted as part of ORD, but have been offered appropriate positions to their previous rank and experience within the NPA.

- New recruits were left to stagnate during training, and upon full enlistment, had little to no promotion or advancement oppurtunities

ORD has seen the implementation of the 72 hour Basic Training Course. This means 72 Hours from start to finish, including recruit offline times. This is seen through the following breakdown;
- Enlistment
- Viewing the topics on Service Knowledge, Tips on Defences and NPA Handbook: 2 Hours (Max!)
- Completing Basic Training Theory Test (BTTT): 30 Minutes
- Testing Marked: 24 Hours
- Mask Update: 24 Hours

Total: 50 Hours

An extra 22 hours is included for possible RL interference or problems which may occur.

The 72 hour Basic Training Course replaces the NPA Training programme which in total, took 2 months to qualify. A variant of the NPA Training Programme will be used later on as a Basic Officer Training Course.

Also, as stated in the previous point, after training, promotions were scarce and steps taken can be sighted above

The NPA, through its active combat units, will also, in periods of inactivity, run training courses to both maintain standards as well as improve upon other skill sets which may be required.

The formation of the Operation Support Division has enabled members of the NPA to advance to various new, unseen positions previously. Such positions are;
- Intelligence Trooper (2nd Military Intelligence Unit)
- Recruitment Officer (3rd Public Relations Unit)
- Legal Officer (2nd Military Intelligence Unit and 4th Organisation and Administration Unit)
- Public Relations Representitive (3rd Public Relations Unit)
- Administrative Trooper (4th Organisation and Administration Unit)
- NPA Journalist (3rd Public Relations Unit)

These new oppurtunities will allow nations to progress more quickly through the ranks, and enjoy their NPA experience alot more then previously, though, the amount of these positions available will be dependant upon the number of newer nations to the NPA.

In the near future, the formation of the 4th Vanguard Unit (4VGU) will also provide NPA members a unique oppurtunity to be able to assist natives on an operation to defend themselves against invaders.
Utlising knowledge of other areas such as law, regional governments, border protection, immigration, foreign policy and communications, 4VGU members will be responsible for re-building desamated regions, and if possible, re-founding them with a new, native founder.
This once again promotes activity, and stimulates initiative, teamwork and enjoyment for NPA members.

This has been one of the largest areas for reform for the NPA, as it gives the NPA purpose, which hopefully will lead to greater activity.

- Deployments were sperodic and individualistic

Under the new structure of Active Combat Units, the NPA will no longer deploy individually. This concept is based on 3 reasons;
1) Allows for an easier command chain to exist
2) The NPA is only permitted to deploy on approved SC deployments
3) Various deployments can be made, with strong number commitments respectivly

When not deployed, units will be engaged in training activities which range from war-games against one another in the War-Zones to deployment drills or further training regarding tactics, concepts or in the case of 4VGU, working in-region as advisors.

Deployment Philosphy

ORD saw the implementation of new deployment stratergies (philosphy), which can be broken up into 2 basic stratergies;
- Unit based Deploymnets - as stated above, and
- Pre-Conflict, Conflict, and Post-Conflict work on the part of the Operational Support Division, specifically in regard to ensuring Active Combat Units have up to date and correct intelligence as well as knowing where they stand in regard to this deployment in both TNP law, and the law of the region.

---WG - DS members contact me if you wish to know more about deployment philosphy, as this is restricted matter---

Internal Re-Structure of the NPA

The NPA has been broken into 2 divisions under the command of the Minister of Defence and Deputy Minister of Defence respectivly;
- Combat Operations Division
- Operational Support Division

1) Combat Operations Division

Mission: To fight the enemy at close quarters, then seize and hold ground against enemy forces regardless of conditions. Also, support the combined effort to re-build a region so it may defend itself from further attacks.

Division Breakdown:

The Division is commanded by the Officer Commanding Combat Operations Division. They will be of a command rank, normally either a Brigadier General or Major General. Position is abbreviated as OC – COD.

Specific unit breakdown is as follows;

-1st Active Combat Unit: To, by whatever means deemed necessary, achieve victory, and ensure a sustained effort against enemy forces, as well as ensuring both force security and combat support for conventional forces.
-2nd Active Combat Unit: To fight the enemy at close quarters, then seize and hold ground against enemy forces regardless of conditions.
-3rd Active Combat Unit: To fight the enemy at close quarters, then seize and hold ground against enemy forces regardless of conditions.
-4th Vanguard Unit: To provide force protection after initial deployment, and support the combined effort to re-build region so it may defend itself from further attacks.

Each of these units will be commanded by a Junior Officer, and he/she will be responsible for the running of the unit, as well as ensuring continued training and activity occurs to keep the members operating to their fullest potential.

2) Operational Support Division

Mission: To provide support services to ensure that the NPA can continue to fulfill its obligations and mission to the North Pacific

Division Breakdown:

The Division is commanded by the Officer Commanding Operational Support Division. They will be of a command rank, normally either a Brigadier General or Major General. Position is abbreviated as OC – OSD.

Specific unit breakdown is as follows;

-1st NPA Training Unit: Responsible for the induction training of all new NPA troops, as well as the assessment of these recruits to ensure proper integration into combat units.
-2nd Military Intelligence Unit: Responsible for the gathering and distribution of Intelligence relating to both possible, future and current NPA missions
-3rd Public Relations Unit: Responsible for both the effective recruiting of troops for the NPA, and the positive projection of NPA operations onto the civilian populace
-4th Organization and Administration Unit: Responsible for maintaining all records of NPA operations and membership as well as providing reports relating to proposed and/or current treaties, and its effects on the NPA

Each of these units will be commanded by at least a Major, and he/she will be responsible for the running of the unit, as well as ensuring continued training and activity occurs to keep the members operating to their fullest potential.

Any WG-DS member who wishes to have a copy of the report on "Operation Renewed Dilligence', PM me and I will email you a copy of it (word format). Also, any RA member wishing to view the public version of the document, also PM me and I will email you the document - areas will be censored.

Acting Minsiter of Defence
Once minor larifiction. The NPA may be deployed without C approval when there is authority for militaty action under a treaty or other diplomatic agreement.

One of the overlapping areas of concern is the need to develop a strategy for entering agreements or treaties with other regions in support of the region's declared position as a pro-defender region. I recognize that there is a alternate political philosophy on that point, but for now, the pro-defender stance is written into the Law governing the NPA, so NPA activity has to proceed on that basis.
I have been thinking, and what do you make of an exchange programe between secure regions.

This would not only promote regional relations, but also increase operability between regions in regard to ranks, procedures and stratergy.

It appears that invaders are begining to allign with one another (not that this is a new concept) in order to secure a region. This has been increased with the influence rules in effect to ensure ejections can be achieved in a timley manner, so, in order to break even, we need to be able to both match, and surpass the invaders capability to deploy troops, and the only way to do this is by forming joint task forces.

Even engaging in wargames within the warzones against other fenders is a start, as the easier it becomes for us to work together on defences and liberations, the quicker we can get them done.

What are peoples thoughts?

Also, older alliances appear to be waning, and would it be worth us investigating the creation of a new defender organisation, with newer defenders, who are more active then the old boys (and girls), or even attempt a revival of an older organisation?

Keep it Real

Defenders also align themselves with one another. Also, I believe that HC, our External Minister who is more than capable, is already working on those things that you've said, Mr. Defense Minister. :)
Those are good things that we need to start working on. I also agree that we should have wargames with one another so that we dont only learn from one another we also bring teamwork and working with one another tightly together which would help us a lot to get the message around quick and be able to deploy quicker and more efficiently to protect the raider's target region during an invasion.

~Gala Isle