Lebostrana invades Siryana

President and Minister of Defence Hanan Xola of Lebostrana today announced that he has sent 5,000 soldiers to the Lebostranian state of Siryana to quell a rebellion that has caused riots and acts of terrorism for the past three months.

The recent election of Jalar Kartala as governor of Siryana has lead to the chaos. President Xola said this in his speech earlier today:

"We elected Governor Kartala thinking he would accept his responsibilities as the carer of the largest Lebostranian state, and the results are more than infuriating. He has embarrassed the entire nation by his lack of care for his people. This is unacceptable, and Kartala has himself now branded a terrorist, and faces execution. Never has Lebostrana been this disgraced since Ily Barsuk led the 1000 traitors against the 100 people of Enhil Xola in 350 BCE, in the book of Enhil.* We shall elect a new governor once the chaos has been brought back to order and when Kartala has been executed."

*'And when the armies of Barsuk had been gathered they stood on the hill overlooking the encampment of Enhil, and they taunted Xola, "You do not fight? You wait for us like a frightened child?" And when three hours had passed, they ran down and attacked. Enhil Xola saw them and spoke to his people, "Do not fear, but take hope! They are foolish men, and the holy shall surely triumph! Pick up your shovels for the fields, your scythes for the wheat, your daggers for the cattle, and rest not to close your doors!" Hearing this, the people took hope, and four days passed. All of Barsuk's men were slain and none of Xola were harmed. Seeing this, Barsuk dropped to his knees and said to Xola, "Surely you are greater! Surely you are a holy man!" "You speak the truth." Said Enhil, and he took Barsuk's sword and killed him.' Enhil Chptr 4.

From: President Elizaveta Morozova of the Soyedinnyonniyi Schtati of Zemnaya Svoboda
To: President Hanan Xola of Lebostrana

We are sympathetic with your internal difficulties and would like to ask if there is any help we can give.
From: President Hanan Xola of Lebostrana
To: President Elizaveta Morozova of the Soyedinnyonniyi Schtati of Zemnaya Svoboda

Jalar Kartala's whereabouts are not known as of yet, and it would be appreciated if you would encourage your police to remain vigilant against possible Siryan activity.