Establishment of the Adjutant Corps


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot
TNP Nation
My fellow North Pacificans, since the days prior to my ascension to the Delegacy of this fine region, I have pondered how exactly I can help this region be an even better place. I realized that I can not do things by myself, but with the cooperation of the good members of this region, we are able to do anything we put our minds to. These are the building blocks that build a stronger and self-sustaining region, cooperation and working together in unity for a common goal.

I stated in my campaign to become your Delegate that I wanted to create a body that would assist the Delegate and the region as a whole by providing a link between the Delegate to UN Members as well the Government to all nations, and to assist wherever needed in our region. I originally termed this a "Delegate's Regional Task Force", but with consultations to other members of this region, we decided to change that name. I am pleased to announce that today, the Adjutant Corps of The North Pacific are open for operation.

What exactly is the Adjutant Corps? Although the AC is not an official body of The North Pacific, it will be supported by the Delegate who effectively heads it, as well members from across this region, regardless of status or rank, who will work together to achieve the goals we set for ourselves. Adjutant comes from the Latin adiutans, present participle of the verb adiutare, "to help". The Adjutant Corps are effectively the "Help Corps", helping this region grow internally and make her more prosperous as a result.

What are the official duties at this time? Although the duties of the Adjutant Corps will expand with time, they will firstly assist the Delegate with UN Resolution votes by providing UN nations with information regarding the vote at hand, collect votes on behalf of the Delegate if necessary, as well as make sure that the Forum UN Votes are in place in case I am occupied at the time; they will prepare information for the nations of this region to better educate them as to what is really going on in their homeland; as well as promote the use of this board and the IRC channel among residents who do not currently use these services.

These are bold goals, I do recognize that. However, with your cooperation and help, we can together make this region the most active in the game, and turn us into the most prosperous in our history. We have come along way in our time, but we still have more of a path to follow before the sun sets.

If you are interested in assisting me and your region with this project, please pm me.
Hail Delegate Dalimbar!

This seems like a truly wise and benevolent first step that will lead to increased regional peace, prosperity and strength.
It is with regret that I cannot find any authority in the Constitution that allows such a mechanism to be set up by the Delegate; and that under current Law, it appears to be a duty of the Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs.

I will shortly prepare a petition for Judicial Review with the Court on this topic; this is ot an argumment, but I have my responsibility to assure that th Constitution is followed, as do all of the other elected officials of the region, including the Delegate.
God forbid the delegate should actually do anything! *gasp* Why this region might actually do something if you let this behavior stand.

I demand a 6 month trial and 400 word minimum on all posts pertaining to this subject. But before you can do that you better have a 3 month judicial review of whether or not you're even allowed to have a trial on this.

I am not sure if I should be :rofl: or :cry: over this.

My deepest sympathies Dali.
It is my opinion that the freedom of association in the Constitution allows the Delegate to be in whatever Non Governmental Organizations they please. Since this AC has no powers and is not part of the government I have no clue as to what Grosse could possibly be upset about.
You know technically we are only legally allowed to ahve forums according to the consititution. I will shortly be preparing a post asking for a judicial review to decide whether we should all be tried for..well..posting
It is with regret that I cannot find any authority in the Constitution that allows such a mechanism to be set up by the Delegate; and that under current Law, it appears to be a duty of the Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs.
Couldn't an ordinary citizen start a project like this? Does a Delegate have less freedom because he can only do that which the Constitution grants him the authority to do?

Edit: Sloppy antecedants
God forbid the delegate should actually do anything! *gasp* Why this region might actually do something if you let this behavior stand.
Yeah! Who's that Constitution think it is, pushing us around, telling us what we can and can't do? Why I oughta...
God forbid the delegate should actually do anything!  *gasp*  Why this region might actually do something if you let this behavior stand.
Yeah! Who's that Grosseschnauzer think he is, pushing us around, telling us what we can and can't do? Why I oughta...
Fixed your post Kirby. :P

In all seriousness, if the MoIIA isn't against this, who is he to protest? :fish:
If one were to desire a bit more transparency, you could request that Dali post on the forums each message that he sends out to the region.
Statement from the Delegate.

I have great pleasure to announce that Prime Minister Grosseschnauzer and I have come to an agreement on what we see as the best way to allow our great region to prosper and continue growing. While we will still be seeking approval for these measures from the Cabinet, we have decided it is in the best interests of our region, along with enhancing government efficiency, to merge his “Regional Task Force”, and my “Adjutant Corps”. With authority rested in your Cabinet, and under my hand as Director of the combined volunteer-project, this new body we feel will be able to maximize growth and progress compared to what may have happened if the two initiatives operated separately.

This will mean that we require as much cooperation and voluntary participation as possible from members of this region. With such tasks such as developing new strategies for Ministries to being on the front lines and educating people about our board and society, we will need all the help we can get. I will be hopefully holding a first live meeting on Saturday, March 17th, starting at 1:00pm PDT (which is 4:00pm EDT/ 8:00pm GMT (I believe)) in the #tnpmeetings channel at on IRC. Coffee, tea and baked goods will be served.

This matter will be placed before the Cabinet as soon as possible for its acceptance and approval.

Thank you all for your support, and I look forward to continue working with you today and in the future.

Delegate of The North Pacific.
Just to clarify.

Dal is being appointed director, not as Delegate, but as an individual member of the Region. This, as well as the fact that this effort will be based within the Cabinet as a whole, will keep the project within the Constitution.

I'll be posting a request to the Cabinet to approve this project; if you see any Cabinet Ministers wandering around, please direct them to the Cabinet forum. :lol: :P
This is just a reminder/request for the transcript of the meeting to be posted on the forums after it takes place. (for those of us who can't make it)
Those who request the Hansard will be entitled to see it. Hopefully around the time of request, they will ask any questions that they have, regarding the organization itself or the happenings within this meeting.

Thanks MO and Schnauzer for the clarifications.

EDIT: Just as a question, I'm curious as to how many people prefer AIM to IRC? If there are a few people who would rather use an AIM channel for whatever reason, I'll set up an AIM chat session at the same time.