Cabinet level task force project

In the last term, Mesian made a proposal that was discussed in the Cabinet concerning the creation of a body to help the various part of the Regional Government attend to various tasks that they are charged with by either the Constitution and the Legal Code.

While a majority of the Cabinet was favorable to the concept, we faced significant problems in finding a way to adapt his proposal, which he brought from another region, to the structure of the various Ministries, the Delegate, and the Security Council. As I mentioned in the State of the Region address, I believe that we need to use a task force to experiment with the idea and see what would work for us.

The Task Force will be structured flexibly. It will require the voluntary assistance and co-operation of each Ministry in order to succeed. The poject wiould be headed by a Director, who would recruit and manage the volunteers for this project. The task force will develop an assessment of the needs for the different tasks that are currently unmet. It will determine what personnel and processes are necessay in te short-term and the long term to meet those needs. Ultimately, it will recommend changes or additions to our laws that will adopt those processes that the Task Force develops that are found to work.

At the current time, I anticipate that the Task Force will have about sixty to seventy-five days to do its work;, however, I am prepared to seek an extension of that time period if requested by the Director of the Task Force.

If all of the Ministries and the Delegate agree to co-operate in this project, the Task Force will look at the following needs, among others, and devise ways of meeting these needs:
* Recruiting and training diplomats to represent the region elsewhere
* Cemeting our region’s relationship with other regions and multi-regional organizations
* Personnel to assist in the investigation of applications to join the Regional Assembly, to implement the continuous verification process of Regional Assembly verification now requirement by the Constitution;
* Recriuting personnel to join the ongoing campaign to deal with spammed posts on the Regional Message Board;
* Developing and training recruitment teams to attact new residents to TNP and increase overall participation in Regional affairs, including the Region’s participation in the Nationstates United Nations;
* Developing and training staff to assist in the preparation of the North Pacific Wire, and to prepare and distribute regional reports both inside and outside the Region;
* Recruting additional members for the North Pacific Army; and
* Developing systems for more timely and accurate data about endorsement activity and levels for the use of the Delegate, the Vice Delegate, the Security Council, and the Cabinet.

For this to work, it will need the assent of the various Ministers and the Delegate, to the extent it may involve their current authority and jurisdiction. This would mean that where current law places responsbility for these tasks in one Minister or official, that the affected Minister or official agrees to this project in order to test ways to make it easier to perform such tasks. Second, the entire Cabinet would haveoversight over this project, and any long-term proposals the task force may recommend. Finally, the work of the Task Force, and the cabinet discussions concerning it ould be public, transparent and accountable.

I as to when to start this project (hopefully as soon as possible); and who should be designated as the Director for the project.
You had me until the part about total transparency coupled with endorsement tracking. I've no issue with the end results becoming public, but the software that makes endotrackers run is, and always has been, a closely kept secret by those who have such tools, because it lends such an advantage. I'm in total agreement with everything you said, but have serious reservations regarding total transparency with regard to endorsement tracking tools.
I don't mean transparency in the tracking process and the development and collection of endo information as such, but rather that the staffing of the task force and the development of its recommendations will be transparent. Since this overlaps Ministerial jurisdictions like crazy, I wanted to make sure that there won't be any claims of stepping on toes when that is not what I intend.
Ah, ok. My concern was that the actual product, the code and such produced by the members of the Task Force who will be working on endorsement tracking, would be available to anyone but the coders themselves. I apologize for the misunderstanding.
What will this taskforce do other than create another set of bureaucracy to take over things our elected officials are already responsible for?

I'm all for the jobs being done but what does this do but delegate the tasks to an exclusively nominated and/or handpicked council.
First, something needs to be done, and this is designed to be a device to find out how to get those things done that I listed earlier and what needs to be changed in the long-term to keep what works and discard any ideas the task force tries that doesn't.

Second, this is temporary, not permanent. One of the problems has been that everything has to be re-invented every three or six months, which is every change in a Ministry unless an incumbent Minister isn't interested in their Ministry, in which case, nothing happens at all. The lack of continuity of function is a problem that needs to be addressed, and I believe that will be a benefit from experimenting through this task force.

You had access to the thread on Mesian's proposal a couple of months back, Mr. Sniffles. I think you will agree that my approach to finding a way to address these issues is far more flexible and far less cumbersome than what was provided to the Cabinet with msian's proposal.
You had access to the thread on Mesian's proposal a couple of months back, Mr. Sniffles. I think you will agree that my approach to finding a way to address these issues is far more flexible and far less cumbersome than what was provided to the Cabinet with msian's proposal.
So slightly better than a bad idea is suddenly good?
If you look at that earlier thread, you will find that most of the Cabint liked the general idea, but not the specific language (and complexity) Mesian included.

What the task force represents is a far simpler and flexible way to test the salient part of that proposal without all the baggage.

You may consider it a bad idea, but others do not share that opinion.
If you look at that earlier thread, you will find that most of the Cabint liked the general idea, but not the specific language (and complexity) Mesian included.

What the task force represents is a far simpler and flexible way to test the salient part of that proposal without all the baggage.

You may consider it a bad idea, but others do not share that opinion.
I have no vote, merely a voice. I, personally think, it's a bad idea. My :2c:, nothing more, probably much less.
I think we need better anc competent or at least active Ministers, we don't even have all our deputies yet and the elections finished a month ago. I would also point out that I believe that Dalimbar mentioned something similar in his campaign but I have yet to see this claim being turned into action.
Two things EM. This is not the Prime Minister's Task Force, it is intended to be the Cabinet's task force.

Second, I don't see wwhere the Delegate could have the legal authority to organza such a task force; as it is the only reference to recruiting teams in the law at this time is the MIIA. (And I don't think any MIIA has ever gotten around to setting the recruiting tams up.)

As I best recall, the only ministries that haven't appointed a deputy is the MoD and the MoAE. Southwest Asia has re-appointed his deputy (they haven't posted an oath.) I've sent all the Ministers PMs about this a couple weeks ago; and they'va all gotten and opened them.
Dalimbar and I have worked out an agreement that combined the task force plan as I orignally presented to the Cabinet with the proposed Adjucant Corps proposed by the Delegate into a single project: see here

Dalimbar will serve as director of the combined project, and the project will retain the experimental nature I originally envisioned for the task force. This project will be under the general direction of the Cabinet as a body. In accord with the arrangement Dalimbar and I have reached, I am asking for the Cabinet to vote to approve this project with Dalimbar as its director.
*Snorts* I must be tired, as I kept on seeing "Dictator" instead of "Director". That'll be the day... :lol:
More work to be done in some areas, but progress is being made on the Civil HQ, and in some other areas my ministry is kicking ass.
For real life personal reasons, Nem has tendered to me his resignation as Minister of Defense. As there is no deputy, and because that position requires the prior endorsement of the NPA membership, we have only seven voting members of the Cabinet for the time being. I only received his message on Saturday.

I will send messages to the other Cabinet members later on Sunday, and to the NPA membership when I'm able to assesss who is apparently active at this time.
ZS, Nem told me why but he asked that it not be publicly posted.

What we need now iss for Byardkuria, Southwest Asia, Mental Imagination, or haor Chall to agree to this, and Dal can get this going.