Haor Chall
The Power of the Dark Side
- TNP Nation
- Haor Chall
Suggestions for things to include in next weeks update in this thread please.
FORAnd a little bit about me.
[size=-7][/size]The North Pacific Regional
5th March, 2007
TNP Links: TNP Forums | TNP Wire
Government Officials
Elections were held in TNP during the middle of February, Grosseschnauzer has been re-elected as Prime Minister and is joined by the following in his new cabinet.
Prime Minister- Grosseschnauzer
Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs- Former English Colony
Minister of External Affairs- Haor Chall
Minister of Defense- Nem
Minister of Justice- Southwest Asia
Minister of Communications- Upper Kirby
Minister of Arts and Entertainment- Mental Imagination
Minister of Culture and Education- Byardkuria
UN Regional Delegate- Dalimbar
Vice Delegate- Zemnaya Svoboda
Speaker of the Regional Assembly- Mr_Sniffles
Security Council- Great Bights Mum, Byardkuria, Ator People, Grosseschnauzer, OPArsenal, Emperor Matthuis, Tresville
The Regional Assembly
The Regional Assembly has been very busy lately. A proposal submitted by the Prime Minister that introduces new procedures for removing officials from office is in formal discussion.
Also under formal discussion are proposals for amending term lengths from 3 months to 4 months and a proposal to add time limitations to trials.
Debate is also ongoing over more controversial proposed legislation including an amendment that would define the usage of “member”, “nation” and “player” within the Constitution. Other amendments under discussion are proposals to tidy up the language of part of the electoral requirements for UN Vice Delegate.
Other News
The TNP university is currently under construction, those interested in taking part can have a look at the University or contact Byardkuria.