Haor Chall
The Power of the Dark Side
- TNP Nation
- Haor Chall
Diplomatic Information
The Diplomatic Information Forum is a storage space for reports to be filed by Ambassadors about the regions they are assigned to. The forum is only visable to members of the Diplomatic Corp, so we can discuss other regions in confidence here.
The report format is shown and explained later in this thread. The reports will hopefully be kept up to date and will provide a very useful resource to help keep us informed and develop our foreign policy and ensure we keep up with events across the world which might effect us.
Report Format
This thread contains the format to be used for reports. It also explains what each catagory means and what information you will need to put into it. For some of the report a simple yes/no or number will suffice but for others try to put as much information, which you think is relevant, in as possible. There are additional spaces for further comments, please use this, to express your thoughts based on the knowledge and experience you have in the region. This information, kept up to date, will be vital in helping ensure we keep up with world events and keep inform our foreign policy.
The reports, once started, will need to be up dated monthly, even if it is only a "nothing to report". If any major events, which you consider important, happen report them as soon as you can, rather than wait and keep it for the monthly update.
So, this is the information to be contained in reports, explained:
Region Name: Obvious really.
Region Size: Number of Nations in Region
UN Delegate: Name of Delegate Nation
UN Delegate Endorsements: Delgate Endorsements
RMB Activity: How much the RMB is used, and also the Daily Happenings, much movement in/out of region?
General Comments: Your thoughts on the region, general feeling you have of the region, its people and anything else you consider to be important.
Style of Government: The type of government, democracy, dictatorship but as much detail as you can about how the government works, the legislative process, the executive, etc. Try to be objective for this part.
Current Government: The names and jobs of current government officals.
Political Stability: Does the government seem fairly stable, how long has it remained so, is the region largely united.
Internal and Judical Policy: How well does the region recruit, does it have a judical process and how does it work.
Noteable figures: Figures, who for whatever reason, are political influencial and important. Again, as much information about them as you can.
Comments: Here you can put your own comments about the state of the region, how well their system works for them, and other comments you think appropriate.
Foreign Policy
Attitude towards TN[: What do they think of us, friendly, indifferent, is there a mixed opinion.
Alliances/Treaties: Who are they allied with, and who do they have treaties (and what sort) with.
Good relations: What regions do they get on well with.
Poor relations: What regions do they not get on with, regions they are at war with, etc.
Comments: Your own comments on their foreign policy and how it might effect us.
The Code for the report:
The Diplomatic Information Forum is a storage space for reports to be filed by Ambassadors about the regions they are assigned to. The forum is only visable to members of the Diplomatic Corp, so we can discuss other regions in confidence here.
The report format is shown and explained later in this thread. The reports will hopefully be kept up to date and will provide a very useful resource to help keep us informed and develop our foreign policy and ensure we keep up with events across the world which might effect us.
Report Format
This thread contains the format to be used for reports. It also explains what each catagory means and what information you will need to put into it. For some of the report a simple yes/no or number will suffice but for others try to put as much information, which you think is relevant, in as possible. There are additional spaces for further comments, please use this, to express your thoughts based on the knowledge and experience you have in the region. This information, kept up to date, will be vital in helping ensure we keep up with world events and keep inform our foreign policy.
The reports, once started, will need to be up dated monthly, even if it is only a "nothing to report". If any major events, which you consider important, happen report them as soon as you can, rather than wait and keep it for the monthly update.
So, this is the information to be contained in reports, explained:
Region Name: Obvious really.
Region Size: Number of Nations in Region
UN Delegate: Name of Delegate Nation
UN Delegate Endorsements: Delgate Endorsements
RMB Activity: How much the RMB is used, and also the Daily Happenings, much movement in/out of region?
General Comments: Your thoughts on the region, general feeling you have of the region, its people and anything else you consider to be important.
Style of Government: The type of government, democracy, dictatorship but as much detail as you can about how the government works, the legislative process, the executive, etc. Try to be objective for this part.
Current Government: The names and jobs of current government officals.
Political Stability: Does the government seem fairly stable, how long has it remained so, is the region largely united.
Internal and Judical Policy: How well does the region recruit, does it have a judical process and how does it work.
Noteable figures: Figures, who for whatever reason, are political influencial and important. Again, as much information about them as you can.
Comments: Here you can put your own comments about the state of the region, how well their system works for them, and other comments you think appropriate.
Foreign Policy
Attitude towards TN[: What do they think of us, friendly, indifferent, is there a mixed opinion.
Alliances/Treaties: Who are they allied with, and who do they have treaties (and what sort) with.
Good relations: What regions do they get on well with.
Poor relations: What regions do they not get on with, regions they are at war with, etc.
Comments: Your own comments on their foreign policy and how it might effect us.
The Code for the report:
[B]Region Name:[/B]
Region Size:
UN Delegate:
UN Delegate Endorsements:
RMB Activity:
General Comments:
Style of Government:
Current Government:
Political Stability:
Internal and Judical Policy:
Noteable figures:
[I]Foreign Policy[/I]
Attitude towards TNP
Good relations:
Poor relations: