Statement from the Delegate


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot
TNP Nation
My fellow North Pacificans, I am pleased to announce at this hour, I am currently at 358 endorsements to Great Bight Mum, who sits at 357. This puts me in the position that I will be recognized as the game-recognized Delegate for The North Pacific.

Amidst the celebrations coming from North Pacificans, it has come to my attention that a nation from "SA Utopia" has entered the region, endorsed me, giving me that extra endorsement to place me in the seat. As soon as that happened, the individual posted on our RMB:
14 minutes ago  The Eternal Servent of Ranholn of Irnotia 
there ive officially pushed him over
im only here as a favor so hurry up and change so i can leave
It has been made clear to this individual through others I have spoken to that he was not asked to be in the region, but came on his own free will. As such, I will not be taking any action nor will be requesting any action from the Government in regards to one individual.

Next, I will be continuing to endo-tart the region like mad, even though yes, I've mostly ran out of nations to telegram. I will be asking the appropriate channels to advise the West Pacific Liberation Force that they are free to leave the region when the time comes. It will be a bitter-sweet sorrow, their departure, but I believe we will handle it :P

You have honoured me by electing me as your Delegate. I am proud to be the new Delegate of such a fine region, and I hope that this term is smooth, that the region is secure, and that we, the community that make up this region, continues to prosper.

I will be announcing future policy for this term in the coming days. Have to wait till then to hear me speak more on that, sorry.

Delegate of The North Pacific.

(You got to remember Dal that your election wasn't certified until the 13th or 14th; so the transition was more like a week, not 19 days.

However, the nation you mentioned might be worth keeping an eye on. Their action was totallyunnecessary and sounded much like the nations that moved in an endorsed EM before the election and created the hiccup.

Get in touch with me, we need to talk about task forces.
*Gives everyone a big hug with my "big arms" and all, and as Dali heard people whining about the lack of rum after he took over, he gives everyone interested a bottle of good quality rum. *
Wow, congratulations.

I just re-joined The North Pacific, but everyone knows when a new delegate comes into being in The Pacifics.
