To: Our Feederite Cousins in the Pacifics
From: The Patriarch of Pacific Orthodoxy
Re: The Exercise of Regional Hygiene
Esteemed Cousins,
Our beloved Founder of the New Pacific Order, Francos Spain, instituted the Civil Code after the formation of the first NPO so that The Pacific might "exercise hygiene" as a protection against the filthy and diseased nations that sought entrance to our region in opposition to ADMIN and the FAQ. The Praetorian Guard was commissioned to assist the Mods in discovering this filth and to bring offensive native nations to Justice. The mission of exercising hygiene continues in the works of the Ordo Hereticus.
Proper Francoist Thought compels us as a Feederite region to reach out to our Feederite Cousins with an offer of assistance in seeking out nations in opposition to ADMIN and the FAQ in your region. We are willing to station a detachment of the Ordo that will monitor the nations residing in your region and contact any not in compliance with the proper respect of ADMIN and the FAQ. Members of your government and region would be encouraged to participate with the Ordo detachment for training and to expedite the hygienic process. The rewards of such a joint project would be…
?~ the strengthening of the bonds between our two great Feederite regions;
?~ the creation of a healthier region that is safe for the new and younger players entering the game;
?~ the sending of a clear message to disreputable players that such behavior will not be tolerated.
We seek your approval and invitation. Are you willing to join with us in establishing a stronger Feeder Unity and instituting an express level of player expectation?
If so, we await your reply.
In Service to ADMIN and the FAQ,
Senator Chosen Men; Patriarch of Pacific Orthodoxy