I know the Election Commissioners have a lot on their plate but NUFF SAID.
Under the current election procedure, the results of the voting need to be posted within 72 hours after voting ended, so that any runoff elections can be conducted on time.
If you are having problems beause of th issue that arose over voting in the Delegate election, then I would suggest getting the general election part of thevoting posted, while you work out the rest.
Do you still have aaccess to The Voting Booth Account? If so, I would like to ask if you would count the ballots in both elections (making your best judgment about what to do about the issue of who can vote in the Delegate election -- see thread in Voting Forum). OPA has staed he still has access, so I would ask that you have him confirm your count. Just to save time, make note of any private votes cast and not posted by username.