Dalimbar/Chodean Kal


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot
TNP Nation
Well, as I seem to have a few minutes of free time, I will take this time to outline who I am in both the game and real life, what I stand for and what I want to do if elected as your Delegate.

Firstly, before I begin on anything to do with in-game, I believe it is best that voters know who the player behind the nation is. I'm Drew Robinson, I'm 17 years old and go to high school in Grand Forks, British Columbia. My town is so small that TNP has more nations that my town has people.... Anyways, when I'm not on here, I am highly engaged in my work with the Grand Forks Secondary School (GFSS) Student's Council, Grad 07 Committee, the British Columbia Youth Parliament, and will be attending the Forum for Young Canadians in March. With the Grad Committee, I am one of the de-facto Presidents and am largely in charge of coordinating fund raising activities, propaganda... I mean... advertisements and public information, and other things that spring up. As I write this, I am tinkering with the official Budget for the Grads, tomorrow I will be the de-facto Speaker of a rather important vote (formalizing the Theme and Valedictorians...), and Friday evening I will be kicking off a fund raising initiative I've been working on for several weeks on, which is a Movie Night, related to our theme (though still not formalized, I regard it as our theme) of 007! If I manage to coordinate my time right, I can find myself performing with my school's jazz band, naturally with me as the star of the show being the Bass Clarinet player :P. I'm also in to poetry, writing stories (still need to finish them though <_<), and just hanging out with friends.

Now, you may be suspicious on how I can dedicate my time to TNP if I'm already busy as hell? My friends, I consider myself a rather time efficient person. How else can I do all the above and be sick and still retain sanity while others drop to their knees? I wish for you guys to imagine my potential if elected to be your Delegate. Think of it this way, "if he can do all that in RL, I wonder what he can do for us in NS?" That comes to my next part.

My friends, what I believe is is that the Delegate of the region is not merely an individual sitting on a throne. The Delegate is the representative of the will of the people to our government, and the representative of the will of the region to the United Nations. If people have a problem with our government, they firstly will usually take it out on the Delegate, by either withdrawing their endorsements, raging terroristic campaigns of unendorsement, or general and sometimes humorous hate mail will fill the inbox of the Delegate. People across the region also have the opportunity to express their opinions and wishes in regards to UN and Government policy by casting their ballots to the Delegate and sending the Delegate a clear message of where this region wants to go. This leads us to what I want to achieve as Delegate.

As Delegate, I do not believe in the principle of just being a person who simply casts a ballot once in a while and for the rest sits there and looks pretty. I can do that, but I wouldn't be me if I didn't strive for more. I want to know what the region thinks. I want to know what the region feels. I want to know what issues the region has and how to resolve them. This is why, if I am elected to be your Delegate, I will create a "Delegate's Regional Task Force." This DRTF, as I envision it, will be composed of members (especially newer members who are wanting experience in the region) who will telegram UN Members across our region, informing them of UN resolutions, the effects of the resolutions, and other UN-related information. The DRTF will also be key in providing governmental information to all members from across the region. I want to see the people of this region informed and enlightened. Perhaps when they become informed and enlightened, they can become productive and willing citizens, decide to join our forums, and contribute to the overall well-being of this region.

With your help, we can make this region even better than it is now. With your vote, we can definitely progress to above and beyond what we are now.

Thank you very much.

Dalimbar/Chodean Kal
UN Delegate and Security Council member Candidate.
So how well can you tart?

What was your highest Endo count and for how long did you keep it?

Have you ever been a regional delegate before?

If so Where and for how long?

What is your longest bout of inactivity and why?

How many positions have you held in TNP Gov?

If I gave you some raunchy photos of Pope Hope would you give me the password to the nation that is UN Delegate? Would you share the Password of your nation with your wife? If so...Will you marry me?

TNP Trivia:
Who is the only person to be named Founder of The North Pacific?

Say the name that shall not be spoken in TNP Forums (hint...1, ____)?

Who is Nastic?

How many people have run the NPA (meaning that they all had the same position) at the same time ( 2, 3, 4, etc) and list 2 of these members?

List 2 Past Delegates that took the position illegally (supposedly)?

How many Forums has TNP had in the past?

For extra credit: Who WAS the only TNP citizen (CTE) to have a forum named after her without being a government official?

What does Thel call the land mass in the original TNP Map?

Can you change your UN...I can't see Chodean Kal as Delegate....it just sounds...eh...Mongolish to me! :fish:
Explain your extra-regional ties and involvement and how you think they may (or may not) effect your ability to act as our delegate.
Tresville-- Chodean Kal is a reference to the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan :D

Dalimbar: What is your position on the New Pacific Order?
Due to some last minute RL activities, I will not have an official campaign platform ready for tonight. However, I will answer all questions that I have received currently.

Tresville: "So how well can you tart?" I am currently sitting at 239 endorsements, and only have been tarting at a comfortable pace for a few weeks now. Most of those are not from any telegram campaigns, however, I will be doing telegram campaigns between now and election time.

"What was your highest Endo count and for how long did you keep it?" My current number is my highest endo count, and is expected to continue to rise. Before now, I never have had time to hold a high endo count due to defence operations and such activities.

"Have you ever been a regional delegate before?" I was Delegate for the Liberty Alliance upon a request from a good friend of mine. I was Delegate of that region for roughly a month, give or take a few days.

"What is your longest bout of inactivity and why?" Part of June and July of 2006, where I was going through periods of Provincial Exams, working, and other RL things.

"How many positions have you held in TNP Gov?" I have in the past been Minister of External Affairs, Minister of Defence, Deputy Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs (current), Deputy Minister of Communications, 2 terms on the Security Council, former member with the North Pacific Army, and have assisted governments that I have not been with in whatever fashion they have required from me as a citizen.

"If I gave you some raunchy photos of Pope Hope would you give me the password to the nation that is UN Delegate? Would you share the Password of your nation with your wife? If so...Will you marry me?" I'm sure we'll discuss this over some fine liquor and a cigar or two :P

"Who is the only person to be named Founder of The North Pacific?" *Chuckles* Ah yes, if I remember correctly you happened to win a bet with a previous Delegate *cough*FEC*cough*, and in payment, she kindly placed on the WFE that you were indeed our founder. Hail Tres! :P

"Say the name that shall not be spoken in TNP Forums (hint...1, ____)?" If I say the name, then I would be in clear violation of that unspoken rule, now wouldn't I? Conspiracy!

"Who is Nastic?" Nastic is a good North Pacifican who has been one of our first Delegates and has since continued to maintain his nation, even though he hasn't been Delegate for several years now.

"How many people have run the NPA (meaning that they all had the same position) at the same time ( 2, 3, 4, etc) and list 2 of these members?" I am willing to admit that I have never heard of such a scenario in that multiple people occupied the Ministry of Defence at the same time.

"List 2 Past Delegates that took the position illegally (supposedly)?" Under which laws would we be operating under, to say that someone illegally took the position? One could argue in the case of Pixiedance (with the various internal nation swapping) that our constitution was already dissolved, although illegally, and as such the handover from Cathyy to Moldavi was thus not technically "illegal", if you will.

"How many Forums has TNP had in the past?" Official, or including all the various ones that only a few people know about?

"Who WAS the only TNP citizen (CTE) to have a forum named after her without being a government official?" I'm afraid among the masses of TNP forums created, I have a gap in my memory that restricts my ability to answer the question.

"What does Thel call the land mass in the original TNP Map?" He named a certain region after it, and indeed it was named after a mythical continent in the Indian Ocean. This mythical continent, the base of the original TNP "continent", and the region are all called Lemuria.
Haor Chall, and to a certain extent Zemnaya Svoboda: "Explain your extra-regional ties and involvement and how you think they may (or may not) effect your ability to act as our delegate." The only extra-regional tie that I maintain is that I am Founder of the Allied Union of Nations, a region that I am, with the strength of the natives, rebuilding after inactivity and darkness. Although I am still technically Director of the Pacifica Veritas newspaper, this is more in an advisory role and due to the fact I have no nation in The Pacific (I unfortunately let Dalimbar, who was my TP nation, CTE), I do not believe that can truly be counted as a tie.

I believe that with the experience I am gaining with the reconstruction of the AUN, along with my past experience, that I can truly serve the region not just as a sitter Delegate, but as an active and involved Delegate, one who truly serves The North Pacific.

Thank you for your questions so far. I'll be releasing my platform as soon as possible.

PS: Tres, I hate to say this to you, but "Buck up, Princess!" :lol:
I feel that the Vice Delegate should be an active participant of the DRTF, not only as an individual providing their time to the well-being of our region, but also providing assistance to members, especially newer members who may not know exactly what is going on. Because the Vice Delegate is generally knowledgeable in the affairs of our region (I would hope they are!), they can provide information and experience when perhaps I am otherwise occupied. The Vice Delegate will also be expected to provide assistance to me whenever I require it, just like a Minister expects his/her Deputy Minister to provide assistance whenever they require it.
*Chuckles* Thank you for that little riddle, though, there is no other common word in the English language that ends in -gry. For those who may be wondering what the hell is going on, go to here.
I feel that the Vice Delegate should be an active participant of the DRTF, not only as an individual providing their time to the well-being of our region, but also providing assistance to members, especially newer members who may not know exactly what is going on. Because the Vice Delegate is generally knowledgeable in the affairs of our region (I would hope they are!), they can provide information and experience when perhaps I am otherwise occupied. The Vice Delegate will also be expected to provide assistance to me whenever I require it, just like a Minister expects his/her Deputy Minister to provide assistance whenever they require it.
Most Excellent!

That would be great! :bunny:
Do you feel the current endorsement gap is an issue in this election? What would you say to folks who might choose your opponent over you because he is "almost there" already?
If because of RL concerns you're too busy to answer our questions, how can we count on you not to allow RL concerns to stifle future responsibilities your position demands?
Mr. Sniffles, I believe I am answering questions at an acceptable rate, irregardless of RL activities. I have answered all questions within a few hours of receiving them, and I intend to do the same with my responsibilities if elected. Perhaps someone should crack a whip on a certain court case instead of a responsive candidate.

Great Bights Mum, so long as the Vice Delegate does their job properly on maintaining an adequate endorsement gap, I don't feel that it should be too much of an issue. As to what an adequate endorsement gap really is, I believe that is up to the Security Council to decide. Now, I do disagree with the fact that at times the current Vice Delegate was just 20 endos shy of the Delegacy, from what he stated in his campaign speech. It is wrong and a breach of security when that happens, as a skillful endorser may just sweep up and take the region in a few hours if they were that close to the Vice Delegate in the first place. 50 I believe can be too close as well, though by the time an endoswapper reaches near the levels of the Vice Delegate, they will be watched and the issue is probably moot.

As to those who may vote for my opponent in regards to his endorsement levels, I wish to say to you that you should vote for a Delegate that has quality rather than quantity. While I respect my opponent for his service to this game, all I find that he has stated in his campaign speech and his answers to questions is that the reason you should vote for him is solely because of his endorsement levels and his high level connections to foreign governments. I feel that as Delegate I will be more use to the region by providing opportunities through such programs as the DRFT, as well as figuring out what the needs of the region really are. I don't know exactly what my opponent has in mind for that, but if people really wish to vote for him solely on quantity of endorsements, well, I frankly can't stop them.
*Pretty much re-models this space into some comfy lounge area, with a tv in case you lot get bored with me*

Oh yeah, Dalimbari vodka is always fresh and cool! :P
all I find that he has stated in his campaign speech and his answers to questions is that the reason you should vote for him is solely because of his endorsement levels and his high level connections to foreign governments.

To be frank that really isn't what I said at all.
It is a pet peeve of mine when people type "*chuckles*". It reminds me of Chuckles the clown and I don't vote for clowns. :mad:

Edit: Added an emoticon for gravitas
Nastic is a good North Pacifican who has been one of our first Delegates and has since continued to maintain his nation, even though he hasn't been Delegate for several years now.

Who were the other two nations that were a part of a semi-formal "Delegacy Triumvirate?"

Also, which nation is the earliest known delegate of The North Pacific?

Serious question: What do you think of The Pacific?

EDIT: Hee, hee, hee... Gravitas.
*Pat pats DD* Perhaps you can help me rid myself of this... addiction... to type... the c-action? A guide book works too :P

ZS, perhaps he thinks I'm just a funny guy or something. Yeah, that's it... *Goes to keep telling myself that*

To answer OPA, I believe that Nastic, Twoslit and Wilkshire were the "Delegate Triumvirate", based off of a post you made on s2. Now, also based off of that same thread, Nastic states "Mikestonia for me, aint nobody gonna beat that one." Thus, to answer your question, Mikestonia is the earliest remembered Delegate of TNP.
Oops, seems I missed a question. The question was "What do you think of The Pacific?"

From Chodean Kal's view, The Pacific can be a good partner to work with in the future. I know full well the history of relations between TNP and TP (in all our various forms), however, the past is past. We, I believe, aren't in the days where we need to be afraid of our borders to the south of us.

To make it clear, I would describe myself as a Pacificanist. No, not a Francoist or something along those lines, but a person who desires cooperation between the five largest and perhaps most influential regions in this game. I see us as equal partners, who have common elements and situations. We know what each other faces, we understand what is going on in the other Pacifics. I don't believe many, if any, user-created regions have that same bond. We are unique regions, but we aren't simply the birth places of this game. No, through players like you and me, we have made our Pacifics the best regions in this game.

Maybe I should write a thing on Pacificanism sometime...
OPArsenal asked why I am not a Francoist. To explain why I am not a Francoist, but really a Pacificanist, I would like to take this time for some NS Political Philosophy. Before I do that, a disclaimer. These interpretations/views/statements I am about to say are my own personal interpretations, and may not accurately represent the political philosophies that I am going to speak about. As such, I am asking nicely that people not hit me with a trout, whine, attempt to engage in argument, or other such activities. I'm sure if you guys want, a thread in the NS Discussions could be made debating this, but I frankly won't be involved.

To begin with, I wish to explain what Pacificanism and Francoism are. Pacificanism is the idea of government and popular cooperation between the 5 Pacific Regions and to the most part The Rejected Realms and Lazarus. To some Pacificanists, this can be a Union of Pacifics, to others Pacificanism can keep the sovereignty of the Pacifics in tact while maintaining cooperation and communication. I feel I am more middle of the road in that aspect. I wish to point out some "Pacificanist" projects. The North Pacific, The West Pacific and The South Pacific back in the day signed a document called the United Democratic Pacifics. Although it clearly excluded The East Pacific and The Pacific, I feel this document represents Pacificanist values due to its stance of cooperation and mutual security between the Pacifics involved. Next, we have the Pacific Interactive Forum, set up to promote relaxation of tensions, especially between The Pacific and our own region. The PIF was pretty much a neutral area where politics were not discussed, but allowed for just some good times to happen between members of the Pacifics. Just so I remember to say it now before I forget, if perhaps there is enough demand for such a thing again, I would be willing to help set a more modern version up.

Next, we go into Francoism. Unlimited, the former Delegate of The Pacific and first leader of the People's Republic of the Pacific, explained Francoism brilliantly, and far better than I ever could. My own personal interpretation is as such: Francoism, while similar to Pacificanism in regards to Pacifican cooperation, goes further in an almost nationalistic (I suppose you can call it regionalism, as we are discussing regions and not nations) and hard core militaristic outlook against user-created regions. Now, I agree with the Francoist outlook that the Pacifics should be controlled by their natives, not by foreigners, regardless if their intentions are benevolent or not. A foreign goverment is just that, foreign. Now, to where I disagree. I disagree that there be such an extreme attitude against userites. Perhaps real Pacificans will stay in the Pacifics, instead of leaving and setting off on their own journeys and the like.

I feel like I'm rambling, so I'll stop that for now. If you wish, perhaps tomorrow after all my exams are finished I'll think of more. But to quickly state, I am a Pacificanist because I want to bring the Pacifics closer together as per the wishes of each Pacific.
As a courtesy to the region and to the process of selecting a delegate, we as candidates both have to be positive and reasonable. Recognizing this, I would like to take this time to perhaps clear up some potentially "negative" areas in my campaign.

As most of you know, I was asked a question regarding why a person would vote for my honorable opponent over myself, on the basis of his current endorsement level. I, as a voter myself, decided to read through my opponent's campaign speech, and noticed a few common themes. As I stated in my campaign, I found (perhaps with bias, I can admit that is a possibility) that the common themes were his level of endorsements being where they are as well as his political experience, though a good portion of it from foreign positions. People may interpret my views on his speech as negative. However, that is how I see his campaign from not as a candidate, but a voter. People have different interpretations on everything, be it on what is said in a campaign speech to what is said in a campaign answer. To simply publish my views in response to a question should not, in my mind, seem wrong to do. However, they are my views and will not change just because of them being called "negative campaigning".

I hope this clarifies a few things for everyone. I do hope that my opponent's feelings were not hurt over this.