At Vote: Extraordinary Rendition

Great Bights Mum

Grande Dame
The resolution quoted below is currently up for vote in the UN.

Please post your views and stance on this resolution. Note, however, that you must have a UN nation in The North Pacific, or on active NPA duty, in order for the Delegate to count your vote.

The voting on the forum will close on Sat., Jan. 13, 2007 at 11:59pm GMT.

The Resolution at Vote:
Extraordinary Rendition
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Quintessence of Dust


The United Nations,

Recognising the obligations incumbent upon member states to refrain from the use of torture,

Affirming the importance of maintaining a strong stance against all applications of torture,

Seeking means to further eliminate the potential for international complicity in acts of torture,

Deeply concerned by the practice of 'extraordinary rendition', whereby persons are rendered to foreign jurisdictions for the express purpose of having torture conducted,

Believing extraordinary rendition to be a subversion of international law and a significant threat to international human rights,

Determined to prevent member states from any form of involvement in this practice,

1. Defines, for the purposes of this Convention, torture as any act of physical or psychological violence perpetrated against persons for the purposes of coercion, intimidation, punishment, interrogation or the obtaining of information or forced confession;

2. Prohibits member states from any involvement in the rendering of persons to foreign jurisdictions if there is probable cause to believe they would be subject to torture.