Welcome to your new consulate. May this place be a symbol of bridges built and old hurts consigned to the past.
The Taijitu Regional Report
Regional Report for 16th January 2007.
Delegate: Sovereign Dixie
Member Nations: 318
Greetings from Taijitu; Nationstates' Fastest Growing Region - Over 300 Nations in 11 Days.
Hello to those with Embassies/Consulates with us, the newly formed region of Taijitu. I'm sure you're wondering several things about us...
1. Who are we? - Taijitu is a new region set up by a group of Founders; set up to uphold the ideals of democracy, friendship and fun.
2. What are our links with The Lexicon? - As those of you who know our history will know, the Founders of the Region of Taijitu were the members of the last democratic Govenment of The Lexicon. We are not enemies of The Lexicon and Taijitu does not endorse attacks upon them over the circumstances of our founding.
3. Who's in Charge? - For the time being, the Region is being driven, for the interim period at least (Though he has been nominated for re-election), by, the very capable, Sovereign Dixie. The Current Government Ministries are held by, The G Rebellion (External Affairs), Myroria (Internal Affairs), Pragmia (Community), Eluvatar (Intelligence/Regional Security) and Amy/The Crazy Monkeymen (Defense). The current Vice Delegate is The G Rebellion.
4. What are our goals? - To create a truly great region. One that our members are proud to be a part of. We are not going to be just a region, rather, a community of friends.
The Big Events in The Past Week
The Constitution of Taijitu was signed by all interim citizens of Taijitu and, as the Constitution states, Ex-Senators of The Lexicon became the first opening members of the Taijitu Senate.
Nominations for the two big elections began: The Delegacy nominations are off to a good start with at least two candidates already nominated! The Speaker of the Senate Nominations are also going well.
Real Life Discussions have been hitting some challenging topics!
We've hit 300 nations. This is a great testament to the recruitment efforts of members of this region and I am so very proud to be a part of it!
The Taijitu Wikipedia has been opened and several articles are developing well. Particular articles of note include the page of the user "Myroria" and the "External Affairs" page which have both developed very well.
We have opened 6 embassies, with procedures underway for another few already!
Statement by HC of EA
Hello there to you all! I am writing this knowing that in a few days, the section cheering our recruiting efforts will need to grow as we hit 400, then 500 and onwards! I have no doubt that our embassy numbers will grow and alliances will be formed. I know this region will be a success in the future because it's a success now. The great nations of the region have, in 11 days, created a region that I am proud to call my home now, and will be in the future.
Things have set up incredibly. Sovereign Dixie has been a great motivator and has been setting an example that I couldn't have hoped to have set in terms of recruitment, attitude and even foreign affairs. He has done more in his interim than many delegates accomplish in whole terms. I've been proud to serve with him, and every member of the interim Government in this short period.
This regional report is written in the interim period. The next one you receive will be by the holder of the External Affairs position after the elections. I hope to see Taijitu and other regions grow closer under whoever is holding the office and I have no doubt, we can be that great region that we all see in our potential!
(Note - Slightly modest...)
Thank you for reading our first regional report!
Nationstates region: Taijitu
Forum: http://forum.taijitu.org
IRC(Esper.net) #Taijitu
Report Written By The G Rebellion.
But don't we have to get Haor Chall to OK it before we go and actually sign something?
The Taijitu Regional Report
Regional Report for April 2007.
Delegate: The Crazy Monkeywomen
Member Nations: 1116
Greetings from Taijitu; Nationstates' Fastest Growing Region - Over 1100 nations.
Hello from Taijitu! Apologies to you all for not releasing a report sooner but the wait is finally over - I've written one. A lot has happened since our last report and there's even more breaking news around the corner as we move into our next set of delegacy elections.
Early Election News
Though nominations have only been opened a short while, there have been four nominations. So far, all candidates have accepted their nominations and there are only a few more days left till nominations close.
The Big Events
Taijitu has rocketed in size since last report - even though back then we were growing incredibly - and we have breached the landmark number of 1100 nations. This is an achievement that could only be achieved through the hard work of our recruiters who have put in a lot of hard hours.
The Senate has inducted a lot of new members and have passed a large number of acts improving the constitution, including the creation of a Taijitu bank.
The External Affairs office has grown and now contains 14 embassies and 6 of those regions have full time ambassadors. The rest are still being served by the Minister of External Affairs.
Role Play, a section that has grown rapidly to match the region, has expanded into two sections; regular and futuristic role play.
Taijitu's army is coming along well, with new Minister Ryazania spearheading the effort to get them onto the Nationstate's battlefield.
So that's it for another report. Hopefully next time I write to you all it will be to report more great achievements and also, hopefully you won't have to wait so long the next time.
Nationstates region: Taijitu
Forum: http://forum.taijitu.org
IRC(Esper.net) #Taijitu
Report Written By The G Rebellion.
Danke. Oh we're also the largest Founded region at this point
The Taijitu Regional Report
Regional Report for May 2007.
Delegate: The G Rebellion
Member Nations: 1300
Greetings from Taijitu; Nationstates' Greatest Founder Region - Over 1300 nations.
Hello from Taijitu! Important developments since the last Regional Report with the new elected Delegate, The G Rebellion, having formed his cabinet, a continuous growth of the Region and a solid development of the forum activity.
Election News
The run for the delegate position saw, for the first time, four candidates lining up for the campaign. With a drop-out of one of them, during voting-time, the long-debated Condorcet system proved its effectiveness. The elections have been won by the tandem TGR (Delegate) – PoD Gunner (Vice-Delegate) by a rather comfortable margin. The votes were counted and the results were announced on the 1st of May, while the new TGR Cabinet was announced 10 days later, as follows:
Minister of Internal Affairs - Pragmia
Minister of External Affairs – PoD Gunner
Minister of Regional Security - Eluvatar
Minister of Community and Recruitment - TCM
Minister of Defense - Sovereign Dixie
and, the newly formed position of
Minister of Finance – Solnath.
Senate Activity:
Since the last report, the Senate of Taijitu has been fairly active, having four amendments moved to the Senate Floor for voting. Out of these, three were Constitutional Amendments and one was an amendment to the Primary Laws of Taijitu. The Constitutional Amendments, aptly labelled S11, S12 and S13, all passed clearly and the PLoT-amendment was passed unanimously.
Xyrael and Myroria were both placed under a vote of removal from the offices of Senator and Minister of Internal Affairs, the former's ending unanimously in favour and the latter's similarly against. To balance this loss of Xyrael in the Senate, three (out of three) applicants, Solnath, of crazed and carraterra, passed the vicious scrutiny of the Senate to become new Senators, the first two unanimously with 17 and 16 votes in favour and carraterra with 9 for and 5 against.
Currently, the Senate is voting for the application of Algerianbania and the office removal votes of Gallipoli-China, Acle and Bustos, due to their absences from previous votes.
Of those proposals that did not make it to the Senate Floor, Cartwrightia's
S75361a Removal of Bureaucracy stood out well as a remarkable example of legislative experience. Unfortunately, the subtle finesse presented within was not enough to move it to a vote.
New citizens are applying to become part of the Legislative of Taijitu and are preparing for a tough ride through the Furculae Caudinae of Senate Questioning. Fierce debates regarding new amendments, both to Fundamental and Simple Laws are keeping all Senators awake, while the new air-conditioning system denies elder-Senators the usual 'it was so hot inside' excuse for falling asleep during sessions.
The Senate Roster now contains 28 members.
The External Affairs are a chapter Taijitu is planning to continuously expand. A few new exchanges are discussed, and the Diplomatic Corps has been strengthened through the addition of diplomatic young-blood who are representing our region in The Pacific, Canada, The Red Sox Nation and Lichentia.
Taijitu's army is being consolidated, as the new Minister (SDixie) intends to increase its involvement on the NS battlefields.
Role Play
Alliances are being formed left and right (and middle J) to reflect the increasing international tensions.
Sovereign Dixie has just seceded from the Democratic States of America.
The Mercantilist state of Ginto is in negotiations with Varkour over a common border.
The Mercantilist Company, Easteros, battles with Ozian pirates, leaving some of Mercantilist State’s forts destroyed.
Civil unrest and warlord rule continues in Irnotia and Rataka. Irnotia’s Gladiator games continue.
The Taijitu Map, made and updated by our wonderful cartographer, St Oz, is getting larger and looking better than ever.
A very busy month is drawing to an end. Taijitu hasn't slowed down its growth and that because of the important efforts of our recruitment team. Looking to strengthen its position in the NS world, Taijitu remains a region where friends from all-around the globe can sit together and enjoy the company. Where the sun meets the moon, the horizon is melting in the sea, where British rigorousness, American strength, Asian dedication, European insight and Latin passion join together to die for our friends and toast to the death of our enemies. It's there were you'll find the harmony and the balance. It's there where Taijitu is.
Nationstates region: Taijitu
Forum: http://forum.taijitu.org
IRC(Esper.net) #Taijitu
Report Written and Edited by PoD Gunner.
Senate Section written by Solnath
Role-Play Section written by Talmann
The Taijitu Regional Report
Taijitu Regional Report for June-July 2007.
Delegate: Red Kagran(PoD Gunner)
Member Nations: 1174
Greetings from Taijitu; Nationstates' Greatest Founder Region - Over 1100 nations.
Hello from Taijitu! Important developments since the last Regional Report with the newly elected Delegate, PoD Gunner, after The G Rebellion resigned his position as Delegate. PoD Gunner then reformed the cabinet, adding so key position to help the Ministers do their jobs more effectively.
Election News
After resigning from his post as Delegate, a special Delegate Election was held. PoD Gunner won the election and formed his Cabinet under a new Government structure. This new structure is as follows:
Minister of Internal Affairs - Pragmia
Deputy- Gnoled Ttam
Minister of External Affairs – The G Rebellion
Deputy- Korinna
Minister of Regional Security - Eluvatar
Deputy- Saint Oz
Minister of Community - Allama
Deputy- Khablan
Minister of Defense - Sovereign Dixie
Deputies- Limitless Events and Of Crazed
Minister of Finance – Solnath
Deputy- Talmann
Senate Activity:
Senate activity has remained steady since the last report. Two bills came before the Senate since the last report. A Legal Reform Bill came before the Senate and passed. An Amendment to Article III of the Legal Reform Bill came before the Senate and was unanimously passed. Presently there are two other bills before the Senate. An Amendment on Senate Internal Procedures and Amendment to Article III: The Executive. Neither of these have ended their voting period at the time of this report.
Acle, Gallipoli-China, Bustos, Of The US, and Annexea all came before a vote to be removed from the Senate. Acle, Bustos, Of The US, and Annexea were all removed. Gallipoli-China was retained.
The Senate is currently at 28 members.
The External Affairs Dept. has recently been negotiating with a few regions about Embassy Exchange. It is the hope of the External Affairs Dept. to continue to expand it’s Foreign relations.
Taijitu's Army is on the verge of taking a great leap forward. Currently the organization of a multi-purpose training exercise is in it’s final stages.
The Internal Affairs Dept. has been taking many applications for citizenship.
The Community Office was recently open and is now led by Minster Allama and Deputy Minister Khablan. They have began welcoming each person as they enter the forum. They provide useful links on points of interest in Taijitu. They are currently setting up a FAQ sheet for new players to the forum.
The Ministry of Finance officially opened since the last report. Led by Minister Solnath, the Bank of Taijitu was opened. He then formed the Taijitu Lottery. Recently Talmann was made his Deputy.
The Zocalo sub-forum was opened since the last report. The Zocalo is where the newly formed political parties main offices reside. The Party, The Taijituan Communist Party, and The Progressive Party all have offices there. The Zocalo is a home to Theta Pi Tai Taijitu’s fraternity house. Also in The Zocalo is the newly re-formed Order of Gryphons, led by PoD Gunner as Chapter Master.
The Acropolis was also opened since the last report. This houses Taijitu’s religious groups.
Role Play
In the Role-Playing forums St. Oz continues to make the map of Taijitu better and better. The Role-play community has seen a boom here. The number of sub-forums has increased. The sub-forums are as follows.
The Map sub-forum is where players are added to the map and where it can be viewed. This forum is Led by St. Oz.
Role Play sub-forum is where General Role-Play, Treaty Conferences/Organizations, Embassies, National Statistics, News, RP Shops, and Silly RP are played out. Recently an IRC chat room was formed for more silly RP. It can be found on IRC #SillyRPChannel1 on irc.espernet. The Role-Play sub forum is led by Gallipoli-China and Talmann.
The Out Of Character Discussions sub forum is for all discussions about Role-Play.
The Fantasy RP is for role-play in a fantasy setting. It includes All Thing AD&D and The Planelock Campaign Setting.
Futuristic RP sub forum is led by Gallipoli-China, Bustos, and Talmann. Here there is Roleplay, Intergalactic Treaties, OOC Future RP, Intergalactic Statistics, Future RP-Shop, and Kaiju Roleplay.
Another busy and productive month for the region of Taijitu. Many new position were created to streamline the growing government. With things like the new Welcoming Committee we are becoming one of the more friendly regions. Many great things are on the horizon for Taijitu. The future bodes well as we continue growing.
Nationstates region: Taijitu
Forum: http://forum.taijitu.org
IRC(Esper.net) #Taijitu
Report Written and Edited by Korinna