
The Founders have ejected the Delegate, abolished the High Council and gone crazy again. A load of the HC have created a new region and are trying to get all the members to follown them...so you know, same old stuff. ;)

But its 1:00 am so I'm going to bed.
I agree, it was teh LAWLAGE.

Most of us involved in the incident have taken up residence is Taijitu.
Didn't something like this happen, oh, a couple months ago?

Geez, these people have more issues than we do... :eyeroll:
HEY! I thought I was forum tyrant! :cry:

If the moderates have been ejected from the Lexicon, this does not look like good news for the peace.
Yes.....last night, Cath and IP removed the sitting Delegate and the HC, declaring a dictatorship.

Many of us left the region, and have started the region of Taijitu.

None of us plan on returning to The Lex. Instead, we are going to build a bigger and better region than The Lexicon ever was or ever can be.

What the Founders seem to have forgotten is that the people they have removed from the region are the exact people who kept the region alive for them while they disappeared due to RL issues. The region is more than the Founders...and I'm sure they'll soon realise that :)

Taijitu welcomes all TNPers to its forum. We have no biases or grudges. There are no pre-banned IP addresses, or any notion that anyone is not welcome. As long as you are respectful, that is enough for us :)

The Lexicon is no more. Taijitu begins.

Well, congratulations to the new Taijituians (?).

And I hope that the Lex settles down soon enough for those that decide to stay.
Seems like it can only be a good thing to me.

EDIT: As for the concerns about the peace, all the sane, moderate people have left Lexicon and those that are left would hardly be a threat if they did decide do to anything (which they might well do, the creation of an external threat is a good way to turn people away from the internal issues, partly why they started the war in the first place I think). The Lexicon has become an international laughing stock throughout all of NationStates, so their actions are hardly a concern. Indeed I hope Taijitu is able to escape the reputation of the Lexicon and become a successful and respected region.
I think it was because the Delegate, Sovereign Dixie argued with the Founders and Insane Power decided to take 'direct' action by banning Dixie's cabinet from the forums and a few others including myself for being a 'cancer', as well as ejecting SD from the region. But this has been building up for a while but this time may well be permanent. Insane Power has lost the support of nearly all the Senate apart from the remaining other Founders.

As from what happens now I am not sure, I think that irreversable damage has most likely been done and it's hard to see how The Lexicon can recover.

So...all in all a complete mess and all thanks to Insane Power and Cathyy.
Someone once said that if you leave IP to do things long enough...he'll find away to screw things up...

**Cisco looks at Flem**

Good luck to the Taijituians.

Isn't that from Star Wars?
I'm sorry but "those damn dirty taijis" just doesn't have the same ring as "those damn dirty lexis"

/jks, please for the love on god don't make an international incident from this.
I personally don't like IP and Cath so i couldn't give two hoots about them.

I will never forgive them for the way they have treated Amy (The Crazy Monkeymen) this last week. No scrap that, the whole time they have known her.

I wish Amy and all the rest who escaped the Lexicon well and that their Region does well.

A region can't succeed if their founders aren't stable.

(Pardon my rudeness - hit a nerve this topic!)

DD says: Naughty naughty
@ Tres - IIRC, Tai Jitsu is a form of martial arts, the name of which roughly translates to "Art of the Body" or some such. It's a self-defensive form of combat, which may be why they chose the name.

TCM, I truly believe that we'll be able to put aside our past differences, especially since most of them stemmed from the over-reactive leadership of the founders anyway. Best of luck to you and the rest of Taijitsu.
In the hope of starting afresh and building bridges, Taijithingy have a consulate here.

I shall pay them a visit.
Oh god. They're screwed.

Someone once said that if you leave IP to do things long enough...he'll find away to screw things up...

That sounds like me!

It will be interesting (to an impartial observer) to see what happens to the lexicon now that most of their active people have been banjected.
...including myself for being a 'cancer'...
He he, Emperor Matthuis is VD and a cancer.

A doctors nightmare!
See also HPV.
I hear they have a vaccine for that now, but you have to be female and a virgin. :lol:

Well, perhaps with the exodus of the sane and level-headed, the Lexicon will wither and die once and for all.

All my best wishes for the success of the spin-off region!
To be one hundred percent frank, I am looking forward to being able to get to know some of the former Lexiconians without the whole wall of institutional hatred thing getting in the way. I am hoping they mirror this sentiment.

EDIT -I hate edited by: tags because they show how many times I omit or duplicate letters when I type.
I am hoping that those who have started and moved to Taijitsu. will show through their conduct, attitudes, and mindset are different than the conduct, attitudes and mindset of the founders of the Lexicon.

I also hope that this recent experience with the Lexicon founders will give Taijitsu. an insight to the reasons why the long-time residents here in TNP have not trusted the Lexicon and their founders.
Upon being informed of a slight risk to being called the wrong name on IRC...



And yeah, most of the above sentiments are echoed... But I cannot bring myself to scroll up and find which ones...