This might be sacrilege but...

Tell me about some good alliances for Cybernations; I just saw all the work I did in the past two months get wiped out by some piss ant raider. I'm in the Red Team but the NPO looks like way more than I'm interested in doing, plus age old rivalries and all.
Did all your work of the past 2 months get wiped out here or in CN? If in NS, what happened? :blink:
Yeah CN, about a hundred infrastructure and twenty points of tech stolen and/or destroyed plus the complete annihilation of my entire army because it took me 5 minutes to change from Defcon 5 to Def 1; and just for the kicker, the fall of my government and four more days of anarchy until I can fix up my -4 happiness back up to 21 (hopefully.)

The NPO (Pacific) seems a little too militant for me. Anything with a, we sit tight and mind our own business until someone attacks?
I'm in ONOS, it's Maroon and around 150 members. We have a joint MDP signed with to other medium-sized alliances which is in our own little corner of the big MDP web. It isn't very militant, lately we've been throwing around more aid than anything else. is the forum if you feel like looking around.
I was in ONOS, but found it a little dull for my liking, so it might be fine for you Sniffles!! ;)

I'm in the NpO, you could join me there is you like!! :w00t:
I was in the NPO over in CN until the last world war that occured totally oblitorated my nation. Since then, I've declared total neutrality and with the exception of a couple of rogue nations that I had to totally cream, I've been prospering.

The NPO has a nice structure over in CN, but their militancy will be their downfall in the long run. There is, also one defect in their whole strategy. The NPO is arranged like an Amway multi-level marketing system - when war results, it's the bottom rung nations that take the brunt until someone at the top starts flinging nukes and then everyone suffers.

As a matter of personal opinion, if the NPO were to pursue a neutrality path, not be so militant and aggressive and only be aggressive to protect its members the NPO would draw members like flies to honey. Conquest will only get you so far - if you lose your powerbase of bottom rung nations, you might end up falling like a house of cards.

Now, if the NPO were to pursue a course of maintaining peace by stomping or sanctioning only rogue aggressive nations, enter into treaties of mutual trade and economic assistance with neutral or otherwise unaligned nations, punish their members who act like total arses, it would change the entire flavor of that game.

OTOH, a course of aggressive militancy is always bound to lead to disaster in the long run. The NPO has not yet learned the benefits of 'peace through superior firepower' and the benefits of being the good guys. :P

BTW, NPO nations are great trading partners. I trade mostly with them and, in my experience, if one stops trade with you to arrange a better trade agreement, they usually help arrange another trade agreement for you that is equally beneficial. I suspect that it is not NPO policy to do so, but it seems a lot of nations in the NPO do this.
Poltsamaa, when were you around in ONOS? It's often hard to keep track of people if they're in and out.

Roman, I agree that the NPO has a problem with members who think they're hot stuff just because they're members. But the other hand of that is that many of the people coming to the game are interested enough in fighting it's hard to tell that a peaceful stance would help or hinder their growth rate.
Poltsamaa, when were you around in ONOS? It's often hard to keep track of people if they're in and out.

Roman, I agree that the NPO has a problem with members who think they're hot stuff just because they're members. But the other hand of that is that many of the people coming to the game are interested enough in fighting it's hard to tell that a peaceful stance would help or hinder their growth rate.
I was in ONOS for a few weeks just after the Great War!! About the time ONOS was looking at merging with the Federation!! See if you can guess who I was!! :P

I think the warmongering persona given to the NPO is a little exaggerated but they are in no hurry to have the rumour dispelled!!
Actually, on the whole of things, the NPO has not been very warmongering lately.

@ Unter -

A neutral/peaceful stance doesn't hinder your nation's growth as long as you aren't in 'hippy mode'. Sure, there is the occasional rogue nation that goes out and attacks other nations for the hell of it, but they usually get themselves knocked down as a result. Fotunately, the rogue nations tend to vanish before they get too powerful.
I joined the Legion out of sheer randomness. Do what I did: choose a random organization (aka the Legion)

The Legion has the awesomest spammers.
If you really want to screw with other nations in CN, you occasionally give out random 'awards' of a couple hungred thousand dollars to unsuspecting nations. It really freaks them out.
I'm trying to sound like seven different people so he'll think there is a majority of Legionnaires in the North Pacific. Apparently, it's not working.