Appointment of Acting MoC

I wanted to let the members of the Regional Assembly know of the appointment of an acting Minister of Communications.
Dont pick it up sent a TG to the Delegate two nights ago to inform the Cabinet that due to a hardware failure they have very limited access to the internet and were awaiting delivery of a replacement machine.
DPIU then posted yesterday and requested that I appoint an acting MoC until DPIU's problem is resolved since they had been unaware of the resignation of the deputy MoC.
Namyeknom has agreed to my request to step in as acting Minister of Communications until DPIU returns. At that time, DPIU can appoint a new Deputy.
I want to thank Namyeknom for agreeing to step in as acting MoC. His assistance is greatly appreciated.
DPIU has returned form his absence, and in a amazing turn of events, has appointed Namyeknom as his deputy. Details in the Ministry of Cmmunications forum. :lol:
As has been mentioned in the Cabinet forum, dont pick it up has not signed in to this forum or at Nationstates for over 14 days, and is now considered inactive under the recent legislation.

For the moment, Namyeknom is acting Minister of Communications. In a few days, if we have not heard from DPIU, then we'll look at a vote in the Cabinet under the inactivity provisions.