TNPU Planning Commission

While the TNPU Commissin awaits a permanent location on the forums, I am providing this location in the Prime Minister's Office so that the TNPU Commission can get organized, start its work, and have a place for public comments and discussion in the meantime.

The Commission's members are free to leave the thread here, or have it moved to another subforum for public discussion. (And we're making arrangement for the Commission to have its own workspace.)

I encourage the members of the Regional Assembly and other regulars who have ideas or insight to feel free to post their ideas here and discuss the concrete specifics here!
^ is my new favourite person. Ever.

In line with the starting small scale idea in the Commission announcement, I was wondering whether it was worth setting up a test course. Get someone willing to teach something, a couple of test students, and see what problems or ideas turn up as it progresses. Allows us to identify any problems before we've spent two months implementing them.
Great idea! I think TNPU is a great place for some of us old fogies to go to corrupt, er, educate young minds!

I'm thinking mission is step one - then organization.

Other than "To enrich and support the players of Nationstates; to create and foster sound governmental structures; and to compile and share the wisdom of the masses"; any ideas?

Edit - I need bigger keys.
I'm thinking I'll teach a course NP history from the Post-Left Anarchist Whacko perspective, if you'll have me of course.